Package net.sourceforge.cilib.problem

Interface Summary
Fitness This interface is an abstraction for the fitness of a solution to an optimisation problem.
GradientOptimisationProblem Optimisation problems that are able to provide gradient information should implement this interface.
OptimisationProblem Optimisation problems are characterized by a domain that specifies the search space and a fitness given a potential solution.
Problem This is a common abstraction for all problem classes.
ProblemFactory A factory used to produce a Problem must satisfy this interface.
Solution This is a common abstraction for all solution classes.

Class Summary
ClusteringProblem This class is used to setup/configure a problem that is capable of clustering the data in a dataset, more specifically the data contained in an AssociatedPairDataSetBuilder.
CooperativeOptimisationProblemAdapter TODO test this class.
DeratingFunctionMaximisationProblem Title: DeratingFunctionMaximisationProblem
DiscreteOptimisationProblem This class further extends the logical separation between a standard type of problem, usually placed in the real valued space, to enable Discrete problems.
FunctionMinimisationProblem An implementation of OptimisationProblemAdapter that can be used to find the minimum of any Function.
FunctionOptimisationProblem This class serves as a base class for function optimisation problems using a Function.
InferiorFitness This class is used to represent a fitness value that is always inferior.
MinimisationFitness This class implements the Comparable interface for a minimisation problem.
OptimisationProblemAdapter This is a convenience class that keeps track of the number of fitness evaluations.
OptimisationSolution This class represents a solution to an OptimisationProblem.

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