Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm that return Entity | |
Entity |
Returns contribution to the solution for the co-operative optimisation algorithm. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation that return Entity | |
Entity |
Get the current entity type. |
Entity |
Get the entity that has been defined as the prototype to for the copies. |
abstract Entity |
Get the current entity type. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation with parameters of type Entity | |
void |
SpecializedPopluationInitialisationStrategy.setEntityType(Entity entity)
Set the entity type to use. |
void |
ClonedPopulationInitialisationStrategy.setEntityType(Entity entityType)
Set the prototype entity for the copy process. |
abstract void |
PopulationInitialisationStrategy.setEntityType(Entity entity)
Set the entity type to use. |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation with type arguments of type Entity | |
abstract void |
PopulationInitialisationStrategy.initialise(Topology<? extends Entity> topology,
OptimisationProblem problem)
Initialise the Entity collection based on the given
Topology and Problem. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population that return types with arguments of type Entity | |
Topology<? extends Entity> |
abstract Topology<? extends Entity> |
Get the current collection (population) of entities. |
abstract Topology<? extends Entity> |
Get the current collection (population) of entities. |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population with type arguments of type Entity | |
abstract void |
SinglePopulationBasedAlgorithm.setTopology(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Set the Topology for the population-based algorithm. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies that return types with arguments of type Entity | |
SelectionRecipe<Entity> |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies with type arguments of type Entity | |
void |
SelectiveKnowledgeTransferStrategy.setEntitySelection(SelectionRecipe<Entity> entitySelection)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction that implement Entity | |
class |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa with type arguments of type Entity | |
void |
ABC.setTopology(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Set the Topology for the population-based algorithm. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee |
Subinterfaces of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee | |
interface |
Super interface for all types of bees in the artificial bee algorithm. |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee that implement Entity | |
class |
The entity class for the ABC algorithm that represents the bees. |
class |
Represents an onlooker bee in the hive. |
class |
A worker bee that forages for food and updates the hive information by dancing. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee with parameters of type Entity | |
int |
AbstractBee.compareTo(Entity o)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution that return types with arguments of type Entity | |
Topology<? extends Entity> |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution with parameters of type Entity | |
abstract Fitness |
FitnessSharingStrategy.modifyFitness(CoevolutionAlgorithm ca,
Entity ent)
modifies the fitness of the entity according to a specific fitness sharing strategy. |
Fitness |
StandardFitnessSharingStrategy.modifyFitness(CoevolutionAlgorithm ca,
Entity ent)
in this case, assign the number of victory to the fitness of the Entity. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative that implement Entity | |
class |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative that return Entity | |
Entity |
Returns contribution to the solution for the co-operative optimisation algorithm. |
Entity |
Entity |
Returns contribution to the solution for the co-operative optimisation algorithm. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative with parameters of type Entity | |
void |
CooperativeEntity.append(Entity entity)
int |
CooperativeEntity.compareTo(Entity o)
void |
CooperativeEntity.update(Entity src,
int srcPos,
int dstPos,
int length)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.contributionupdatestrategies |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.contributionupdatestrategies with parameters of type Entity | |
void |
StandardContributionUpdateStrategy.updateContribution(Entity src,
int srcPos,
CooperativeEntity dst,
int dstPos,
int length)
void |
SelectiveContributionUpdateStrategy.updateContribution(Entity src,
int srcPos,
CooperativeEntity dst,
int dstPos,
int length)
void |
ContributionUpdateStrategy.updateContribution(Entity src,
int srcPos,
CooperativeEntity dst,
int dstPos,
int length)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.fitnessupdatestrategies |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.fitnessupdatestrategies with parameters of type Entity | |
void |
StandardFitnessUpdateStrategy.updateFitness(OptimisationProblem problem,
Entity context)
Update the fitness of the provided Entity, based on the current OptimisationProblem. |
void |
FitnessUpdateStrategy.updateFitness(OptimisationProblem problem,
Entity context)
Update the fitness of the provided Entity, based on the current OptimisationProblem. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.ec |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.ec that implement Entity | |
class |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.ec that return Entity | |
Entity |
Returns contribution to the solution for the co-operative optimisation algorithm. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.ec that return types with arguments of type Entity | |
Topology<? extends Entity> |
Get the current collection (population) of entities. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.ec with parameters of type Entity | |
int |
Individual.compareTo(Entity o)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity with type parameters of type Entity | |
class |
AbstractTopology<E extends Entity>
This an abstract class which extends from the abstract Topology class. |
interface |
Topology<E extends Entity>
This is a generalization for all algorithms that maintain a collection of Entity objects. |
Subinterfaces of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity | |
interface |
Definition of a particle. |
interface |
An Entity that can recieve information from other Entities. |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity that implement Entity | |
class |
Abstract class definition for all concrete Entity objects. |
class |
Entity definition for a Harmony. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity with type parameters of type Entity | ||
Topologies.getNeighbourhoodBestEntities(Topology<T> topology)
Obtain the best entity from each neighbourhood and return them. |
Topologies.getNeighbourhoodBestEntities(Topology<T> topology,
Comparator<T> comparator)
Gather the best entity of each neighbourhood (in this Topology ) in a
Set (duplicates are not allowed) and return them. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity that return Entity | |
Entity |
Make a clone of the Entity the exact semantics of the clone method will be defined by the classes that implements this interface. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity with parameters of type Entity | |
int |
Harmony.compareTo(Entity o)
int |
Entity.compareTo(Entity o)
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity with type arguments of type Entity | |
Iterator<E> |
Topology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
Returns an Iterator over all particles in the neighbourhood of
the particle referred to by the given Iterator . |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.comparator |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.comparator with type parameters of type Entity | |
class |
AscendingFitnessComparator<E extends Entity>
Comparator to order Entity instances based on fitness values. |
class |
DescendingFitnessComparator<E extends Entity>
Comparator to order Entity instances based on fitness values. |
class |
NaturalOrderFitnessComparator<E extends Entity>
Perform a comparison based on the natural ordering of fitnesses. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation that return Entity | |
Entity |
CreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity,
Entity current,
Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters. |
Entity |
RandCreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity,
Entity current,
Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation with parameters of type Entity | |
Entity |
CreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity,
Entity current,
Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters. |
Entity |
RandCreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity,
Entity current,
Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters. |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation with type arguments of type Entity | |
Entity |
CreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity,
Entity current,
Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters. |
Entity |
RandCreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity,
Entity current,
Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover that return types with arguments of type Entity | |
abstract List<Entity> |
CrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
List<Entity> |
DifferentialEvolutionBinomialCrossover.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
Perform the cross-over based on the binomial method for recombination. |
List<Entity> |
UniformCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
List<Entity> |
BlendCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
List<Entity> |
OnePointCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
List<Entity> |
DifferentialEvolutionExponentialCrossover.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
Perform the cross-over based on the exponential method for recombination. |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover with type arguments of type Entity | |
abstract List<Entity> |
CrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
List<Entity> |
DifferentialEvolutionBinomialCrossover.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
Perform the cross-over based on the binomial method for recombination. |
List<Entity> |
UniformCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
List<Entity> |
BlendCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
List<Entity> |
OnePointCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
List<Entity> |
DifferentialEvolutionExponentialCrossover.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
Perform the cross-over based on the exponential method for recombination. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.mutation |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.mutation with type arguments of type Entity | |
void |
GaussianMutationStrategy.mutate(List<? extends Entity> entity)
Perform the mutation operation on the provided list of offspring individuals. |
void |
CauchyMutationStrategy.mutate(List<? extends Entity> entity)
Perform the mutation operation on the provided list of offspring individuals. |
void |
UniformMutationStrategy.mutate(List<? extends Entity> entity)
Perform the mutation operation on the provided list of offspring individuals. |
abstract void |
MutationStrategy.mutate(List<? extends Entity> offspringList)
Perform the mutation operation on the provided list of offspring individuals. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.selection |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.selection with type parameters of type Entity | ||
TournamentSelectionStrategy.select(Topology<T> population)
Apply the selection strategy and return a single Entity. |
RouletteWheelSelectionStrategy.select(Topology<T> population)
Apply the selection strategy and return a single Entity. |
SelectionStrategy.select(Topology<T> population)
Apply the selection strategy and return a single Entity. |
ElitistSelectionStrategy.select(Topology<T> population)
Perform an elitist selection. |
RandomSelectionStrategy.select(Topology<T> population)
CompoundSelection.select(Topology<T> population)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies with type parameters of type Entity | |
class |
GBestTopology<E extends Entity>
Implementation of the gbest neighbourhood topology. |
protected static interface |
GBestTopology.IndexedIterator<T extends Entity>
Interface to define the manner in which the iterator is to be constructed for Array types. |
class |
HypercubeTopology<E extends Entity>
class |
LBestTopology<E extends Entity>
Implementation of the Local Best Neighbourhood topology. |
class |
VonNeumannTopology<E extends Entity>
Implementation of the Von Neumann neighbourhood topology. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies that return types with arguments of type Entity | |
List<? extends Entity> |
get the modifiable list of entities. |
List<? extends Entity> |
Topology<Entity> |
Topology<? extends Entity> |
Topology<? extends Entity> |
List<? extends Entity> |
List<? extends Entity> |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies with parameters of type Entity | |
void |
TopologyHolder.add(Entity entity)
Add a child to the holder? |
void |
ECTopologyHolder.add(Entity entity)
void |
TopologyHolder.add(Entity entity,
boolean modifiable)
void |
ECTopologyHolder.add(Entity entity,
boolean modifiable)
Add the current provided entity to either the modifiable and unmodifiable
lists, maintained within this holder. |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies with type arguments of type Entity | |
void |
TopologyHolder.addAll(List<Entity> entities)
plural version of add() |
void |
ECTopologyHolder.addAll(List<Entity> entities)
Iterator<E> |
VonNeumannTopology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
Returns an Iterator over all particles in the neighbourhood of
the particle referred to by the given Iterator . |
Iterator<E> |
LBestTopology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
Recalculate the LBestTopology.neighbourhoodSize by updating the
ControlParameter and then construct a new iterator to be returned. |
Iterator<E> |
GBestTopology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
Iterator<E> |
HypercubeTopology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
Returns an Iterator over all particles in the neighbourhood of
the particle referred to by the given Iterator . |
Constructor parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies with type arguments of type Entity | |
ECTopologyHolder(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.visitor |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.visitor that return Entity | |
Entity |
Get the result of the visitor. |
Entity |
Get the target entity for which this visitor bases it's calculations on. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.visitor with parameters of type Entity | |
void |
ClosestEntityVisitor.setTargetEntity(Entity targetEntity)
Set the entity for which the calculations are based on. |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.visitor with type arguments of type Entity | |
void |
SpatialRadiusVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Perfrom the visit operation on the provided Topology . |
void |
ClosestEntityVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Perform the search for the closest entity. |
void |
DiameterVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
void |
RadiusVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Perfrom the visit operation on the provided Topology . |
abstract void |
TopologyVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Perfrom the visit operation on the provided Topology . |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.iterationstrategies |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.iterationstrategies with type arguments of type Entity | |
protected void |
ArchivingIterationStrategy.updateArchive(Topology<? extends Entity> population)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.boundaryconstraint |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.boundaryconstraint with parameters of type Entity | |
void |
NearestBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
void |
RandomBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
void |
BoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
void |
PeriodicBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
void |
DeflectionBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
void |
PerElementReinitialisation.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
void |
BouncingBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
void |
ReinitialisationBoundary.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
void |
UnconstrainedBoundary.enforce(Entity entity)
This enforcement of the boundary constraint does nothing. |
void |
ClampingBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic that implement Entity | |
class |
Charged Particle used by charged PSO (ChargedVelocityUpdate). |
class |
Special particle type to use with dynamic algorithms. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.detectionstrategies |
Fields in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.detectionstrategies with type parameters of type Entity | |
protected ArrayList<Entity> |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.responsestrategies |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.responsestrategies with type arguments of type Entity | |
protected void |
ReevaluationReactionStrategy.reevaluate(List<? extends Entity> entities,
int reevaluateCount)
Reevaluate a specified percentage of the given entities. |
protected void |
ReinitializationReactionStrategy.reinitialize(List<? extends Entity> entities,
int reinitializeCount)
Reinitialize a specified number of the given entities. |
protected void |
EnvironmentChangeResponseStrategy.updateNeighbourhoodBestEntities(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
TODO: The problem with this is that it is PSO specific. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle that implement Entity | |
class |
This class defines the common behaviour available for all Particle instances. |
class |
class |
class |
LFDecorator. |
class |
TODO: Complete this javadoc. |
class |
class |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle with parameters of type Entity | |
int |
DeviationDecorator.compareTo(Entity o)
int |
ParticleDecorator.compareTo(Entity o)
int |
AbstractParticle.compareTo(Entity o)
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies with parameters of type Entity | |
Fitness |
IterationNeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
Get the social best fitness (neighbourhood best) of the given Entity. |
Fitness |
NeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
Get the social best fitness (neighbourhood best) of the given Entity. |
Fitness |
MemoryNeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
Get the social best fitness of the entity. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies that return types with arguments of type Entity | |
static List<Entity> |
BareBonesDEVelocityUpdate.getRandomParentEntities(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Get a list of individuals that are suitable to be used within the recombination arithmetic operator. |
Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies with type arguments of type Entity | |
static List<Entity> |
BareBonesDEVelocityUpdate.getRandomParentEntities(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
Get a list of individuals that are suitable to be used within the recombination arithmetic operator. |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator |
Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator with parameters of type Entity | |
Fitness |
PropertyBasedFitnessCalculator.getFitness(Entity entity,
boolean count)
Get the fitness, given the position . |
Fitness |
EntityBasedFitnessCalculator.getFitness(Entity entity,
boolean count)
Get the fitness, given the position . |
Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing.entity |
Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing.entity with type parameters of type Entity | |
class |
CurrentFitness<E extends Entity>
Obtain the current fitness of an entity. |
interface |
EntityFitness<E extends Entity>
Obtain the fitness of an entity. |
class |
EntityWeighing<E extends Entity>
Apply a weighing based on the Fitness of Entity instances. |