Uses of Interface

Packages that use Entity
net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm The Algorithm package provides the generic algorithm foundation for all Algorithm instances. 
net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies This package contains different topology implementations. 

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm that return Entity
 Entity MultistartOptimisationAlgorithm.getContribution()
          Returns contribution to the solution for the co-operative optimisation algorithm.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation that return Entity
 Entity SpecializedPopluationInitialisationStrategy.getEntityType()
          Get the current entity type.
 Entity ClonedPopulationInitialisationStrategy.getEntityType()
          Get the entity that has been defined as the prototype to for the copies.
abstract  Entity PopulationInitialisationStrategy.getEntityType()
          Get the current entity type.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation with parameters of type Entity
 void SpecializedPopluationInitialisationStrategy.setEntityType(Entity entity)
          Set the entity type to use.
 void ClonedPopulationInitialisationStrategy.setEntityType(Entity entityType)
          Set the prototype entity for the copy process.
abstract  void PopulationInitialisationStrategy.setEntityType(Entity entity)
          Set the entity type to use.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation with type arguments of type Entity
abstract  void PopulationInitialisationStrategy.initialise(Topology<? extends Entity> topology, OptimisationProblem problem)
          Initialise the Entity collection based on the given Topology and Problem.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population that return types with arguments of type Entity
 Topology<? extends Entity> MultiPopulationBasedAlgorithm.getTopology()
abstract  Topology<? extends Entity> PopulationBasedAlgorithm.getTopology()
          Get the current collection (population) of entities.
abstract  Topology<? extends Entity> SinglePopulationBasedAlgorithm.getTopology()
          Get the current collection (population) of entities.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population with type arguments of type Entity
abstract  void SinglePopulationBasedAlgorithm.setTopology(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Set the Topology for the population-based algorithm.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies that return types with arguments of type Entity
 SelectionRecipe<Entity> SelectiveKnowledgeTransferStrategy.getEntitySelection()

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies with type arguments of type Entity
 void SelectiveKnowledgeTransferStrategy.setEntitySelection(SelectionRecipe<Entity> entitySelection)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction that implement Entity
 class RNAParticle

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa with type arguments of type Entity
 void ABC.setTopology(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Set the Topology for the population-based algorithm.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee

Subinterfaces of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee
 interface HoneyBee
          Super interface for all types of bees in the artificial bee algorithm.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee that implement Entity
 class AbstractBee
          The entity class for the ABC algorithm that represents the bees.
 class OnlookerBee
          Represents an onlooker bee in the hive.
 class WorkerBee
          A worker bee that forages for food and updates the hive information by dancing.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee with parameters of type Entity
 int AbstractBee.compareTo(Entity o)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution that return types with arguments of type Entity
 Topology<? extends Entity> CoevolutionAlgorithm.getTopology()

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution with parameters of type Entity
abstract  Fitness FitnessSharingStrategy.modifyFitness(CoevolutionAlgorithm ca, Entity ent)
          modifies the fitness of the entity according to a specific fitness sharing strategy.
 Fitness StandardFitnessSharingStrategy.modifyFitness(CoevolutionAlgorithm ca, Entity ent)
          in this case, assign the number of victory to the fitness of the Entity.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative that implement Entity
 class CooperativeEntity

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative that return Entity
 Entity HybridCooperativeAlgorithm.getContribution()
          Returns contribution to the solution for the co-operative optimisation algorithm.
 Entity SplitCooperativeAlgorithm.getContribution()
 Entity ParticipatingAlgorithm.getContribution()
          Returns contribution to the solution for the co-operative optimisation algorithm.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative with parameters of type Entity
 void CooperativeEntity.append(Entity entity)
 int CooperativeEntity.compareTo(Entity o)
 void CooperativeEntity.update(Entity src, int srcPos, int dstPos, int length)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.contributionupdatestrategies

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.contributionupdatestrategies with parameters of type Entity
 void StandardContributionUpdateStrategy.updateContribution(Entity src, int srcPos, CooperativeEntity dst, int dstPos, int length)
 void SelectiveContributionUpdateStrategy.updateContribution(Entity src, int srcPos, CooperativeEntity dst, int dstPos, int length)
 void ContributionUpdateStrategy.updateContribution(Entity src, int srcPos, CooperativeEntity dst, int dstPos, int length)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.fitnessupdatestrategies

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.fitnessupdatestrategies with parameters of type Entity
 void StandardFitnessUpdateStrategy.updateFitness(OptimisationProblem problem, Entity context)
          Update the fitness of the provided Entity, based on the current OptimisationProblem.
 void FitnessUpdateStrategy.updateFitness(OptimisationProblem problem, Entity context)
          Update the fitness of the provided Entity, based on the current OptimisationProblem.

Uses of Entity in

Classes in that implement Entity
 class Individual

Methods in that return Entity
 Entity EC.getContribution()
          Returns contribution to the solution for the co-operative optimisation algorithm.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Entity
 Topology<? extends Entity> EC.getTopology()
          Get the current collection (population) of entities.

Methods in with parameters of type Entity
 int Individual.compareTo(Entity o)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity with type parameters of type Entity
 class AbstractTopology<E extends Entity>
          This an abstract class which extends from the abstract Topology class.
 interface Topology<E extends Entity>
          This is a generalization for all algorithms that maintain a collection of Entity objects.

Subinterfaces of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity
 interface Particle
          Definition of a particle.
 interface SocialEntity
           An Entity that can recieve information from other Entities.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity that implement Entity
 class AbstractEntity
          Abstract class definition for all concrete Entity objects.
 class Harmony
          Entity definition for a Harmony.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity with type parameters of type Entity
<T extends Entity>
Topologies.getNeighbourhoodBestEntities(Topology<T> topology)
          Obtain the best entity from each neighbourhood and return them.
<T extends Entity>
Topologies.getNeighbourhoodBestEntities(Topology<T> topology, Comparator<T> comparator)
          Gather the best entity of each neighbourhood (in this Topology) in a Set (duplicates are not allowed) and return them.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity that return Entity
 Entity Entity.getClone()
          Make a clone of the Entity the exact semantics of the clone method will be defined by the classes that implements this interface.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity with parameters of type Entity
 int Harmony.compareTo(Entity o)
 int Entity.compareTo(Entity o)

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity with type arguments of type Entity
 Iterator<E> Topology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
          Returns an Iterator over all particles in the neighbourhood of the particle referred to by the given Iterator.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.comparator

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.comparator with type parameters of type Entity
 class AscendingFitnessComparator<E extends Entity>
          Comparator to order Entity instances based on fitness values.
 class DescendingFitnessComparator<E extends Entity>
          Comparator to order Entity instances based on fitness values.
 class NaturalOrderFitnessComparator<E extends Entity>
          Perform a comparison based on the natural ordering of fitnesses.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation that return Entity
 Entity CreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity, Entity current, Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters.
 Entity RandCreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity, Entity current, Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation with parameters of type Entity
 Entity CreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity, Entity current, Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters.
 Entity RandCreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity, Entity current, Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation with type arguments of type Entity
 Entity CreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity, Entity current, Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters.
 Entity RandCreationStrategy.create(Entity targetEntity, Entity current, Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Create an Entity, based on the provided parameters.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover that return types with arguments of type Entity
abstract  List<Entity> CrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
 List<Entity> DifferentialEvolutionBinomialCrossover.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
           Perform the cross-over based on the binomial method for recombination.
 List<Entity> UniformCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
 List<Entity> BlendCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
 List<Entity> OnePointCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
 List<Entity> DifferentialEvolutionExponentialCrossover.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
          Perform the cross-over based on the exponential method for recombination.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover with type arguments of type Entity
abstract  List<Entity> CrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
 List<Entity> DifferentialEvolutionBinomialCrossover.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
           Perform the cross-over based on the binomial method for recombination.
 List<Entity> UniformCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
 List<Entity> BlendCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
 List<Entity> OnePointCrossoverStrategy.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
 List<Entity> DifferentialEvolutionExponentialCrossover.crossover(List<Entity> parentCollection)
          Perform the cross-over based on the exponential method for recombination.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.mutation

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.mutation with type arguments of type Entity
 void GaussianMutationStrategy.mutate(List<? extends Entity> entity)
          Perform the mutation operation on the provided list of offspring individuals.
 void CauchyMutationStrategy.mutate(List<? extends Entity> entity)
          Perform the mutation operation on the provided list of offspring individuals.
 void UniformMutationStrategy.mutate(List<? extends Entity> entity)
          Perform the mutation operation on the provided list of offspring individuals.
abstract  void MutationStrategy.mutate(List<? extends Entity> offspringList)
          Perform the mutation operation on the provided list of offspring individuals.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.selection

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.selection with type parameters of type Entity
<T extends Entity>
T<T> population)
          Apply the selection strategy and return a single Entity.
<T extends Entity>
T<T> population)
          Apply the selection strategy and return a single Entity.
<T extends Entity>
T<T> population)
          Apply the selection strategy and return a single Entity.
<T extends Entity>
T<T> population)
          Perform an elitist selection.
<T extends Entity>
T<T> population)
<T extends Entity>
T<T> population)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies with type parameters of type Entity
 class GBestTopology<E extends Entity>
           Implementation of the gbest neighbourhood topology.
protected static interface GBestTopology.IndexedIterator<T extends Entity>
          Interface to define the manner in which the iterator is to be constructed for Array types.
 class HypercubeTopology<E extends Entity>
 class LBestTopology<E extends Entity>
           Implementation of the Local Best Neighbourhood topology.
 class VonNeumannTopology<E extends Entity>
           Implementation of the Von Neumann neighbourhood topology.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies that return types with arguments of type Entity
 List<? extends Entity> TopologyHolder.getModifiable()
          get the modifiable list of entities.
 List<? extends Entity> ECTopologyHolder.getModifiable()
 Topology<Entity> ECTopologyHolder.getOffspring()
 Topology<? extends Entity> TopologyHolder.getTopology()
 Topology<? extends Entity> ECTopologyHolder.getTopology()
 List<? extends Entity> TopologyHolder.getUnmodifiable()
 List<? extends Entity> ECTopologyHolder.getUnmodifiable()

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies with parameters of type Entity
 void TopologyHolder.add(Entity entity)
          Add a child to the holder?
 void ECTopologyHolder.add(Entity entity)
 void TopologyHolder.add(Entity entity, boolean modifiable)
 void ECTopologyHolder.add(Entity entity, boolean modifiable)
          Add the current provided entity to either the modifiable and unmodifiable lists, maintained within this holder.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies with type arguments of type Entity
 void TopologyHolder.addAll(List<Entity> entities)
          plural version of add()
 void ECTopologyHolder.addAll(List<Entity> entities)
 Iterator<E> VonNeumannTopology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
          Returns an Iterator over all particles in the neighbourhood of the particle referred to by the given Iterator.
 Iterator<E> LBestTopology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
          Recalculate the LBestTopology.neighbourhoodSize by updating the ControlParameter and then construct a new iterator to be returned.
 Iterator<E> GBestTopology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
 Iterator<E> HypercubeTopology.neighbourhood(Iterator<? extends Entity> iterator)
          Returns an Iterator over all particles in the neighbourhood of the particle referred to by the given Iterator.

Constructor parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies with type arguments of type Entity
ECTopologyHolder(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.visitor

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.visitor that return Entity
 Entity ClosestEntityVisitor.getResult()
          Get the result of the visitor.
 Entity ClosestEntityVisitor.getTargetEntity()
          Get the target entity for which this visitor bases it's calculations on.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.visitor with parameters of type Entity
 void ClosestEntityVisitor.setTargetEntity(Entity targetEntity)
          Set the entity for which the calculations are based on.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.visitor with type arguments of type Entity
 void SpatialRadiusVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Perfrom the visit operation on the provided Topology.
 void ClosestEntityVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Perform the search for the closest entity.
 void DiameterVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
 void RadiusVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Perfrom the visit operation on the provided Topology.
abstract  void TopologyVisitor.visit(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Perfrom the visit operation on the provided Topology.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.iterationstrategies

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.iterationstrategies with type arguments of type Entity
protected  void ArchivingIterationStrategy.updateArchive(Topology<? extends Entity> population)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.boundaryconstraint

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.boundaryconstraint with parameters of type Entity
 void NearestBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.
 void RandomBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.
 void BoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.
 void PeriodicBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.
 void DeflectionBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.
 void PerElementReinitialisation.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.
 void BouncingBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.
 void ReinitialisationBoundary.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.
 void UnconstrainedBoundary.enforce(Entity entity)
          This enforcement of the boundary constraint does nothing.
 void ClampingBoundaryConstraint.enforce(Entity entity)
          Enforce the defined boundary constraint on the provided Entity.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic that implement Entity
 class ChargedParticle
          Charged Particle used by charged PSO (ChargedVelocityUpdate).
 class DynamicParticle
          Special particle type to use with dynamic algorithms.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.detectionstrategies

Fields in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.detectionstrategies with type parameters of type Entity
protected  ArrayList<Entity> RandomSentryPointsDetectionStrategy.sentries

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.responsestrategies

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.responsestrategies with type arguments of type Entity
protected  void ReevaluationReactionStrategy.reevaluate(List<? extends Entity> entities, int reevaluateCount)
          Reevaluate a specified percentage of the given entities.
protected  void ReinitializationReactionStrategy.reinitialize(List<? extends Entity> entities, int reinitializeCount)
          Reinitialize a specified number of the given entities.
protected  void EnvironmentChangeResponseStrategy.updateNeighbourhoodBestEntities(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          TODO: The problem with this is that it is PSO specific.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle that implement Entity
 class AbstractParticle
          This class defines the common behaviour available for all Particle instances.
 class CoherenceParticle
 class DeviationDecorator
 class LFDecorator
 class MultiObjectiveParticle
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class ParticleDecorator
 class StandardParticle

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle with parameters of type Entity
 int DeviationDecorator.compareTo(Entity o)
 int ParticleDecorator.compareTo(Entity o)
 int AbstractParticle.compareTo(Entity o)

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies with parameters of type Entity
 Fitness IterationNeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
          Get the social best fitness (neighbourhood best) of the given Entity.
 Fitness NeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
          Get the social best fitness (neighbourhood best) of the given Entity.
 Fitness MemoryNeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
          Get the social best fitness of the entity.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies that return types with arguments of type Entity
static List<Entity> BareBonesDEVelocityUpdate.getRandomParentEntities(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Get a list of individuals that are suitable to be used within the recombination arithmetic operator.

Method parameters in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies with type arguments of type Entity
static List<Entity> BareBonesDEVelocityUpdate.getRandomParentEntities(Topology<? extends Entity> topology)
          Get a list of individuals that are suitable to be used within the recombination arithmetic operator.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator with parameters of type Entity
 Fitness PropertyBasedFitnessCalculator.getFitness(Entity entity, boolean count)
          Get the fitness, given the position.
 Fitness EntityBasedFitnessCalculator.getFitness(Entity entity, boolean count)
          Get the fitness, given the position.

Uses of Entity in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing.entity

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing.entity with type parameters of type Entity
 class CurrentFitness<E extends Entity>
          Obtain the current fitness of an entity.
 interface EntityFitness<E extends Entity>
          Obtain the fitness of an entity.
 class EntityWeighing<E extends Entity>
          Apply a weighing based on the Fitness of Entity instances.

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