Uses of Class

Packages that use ContinuousFunction
net.sourceforge.cilib.functions Collection of different types of functions. 
net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous TODO: Complete this javadoc. 

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions that return ContinuousFunction
abstract  ContinuousFunction ContinuousFunction.getClone()
          Create a cloned copy of the current object and return it.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions with parameters of type ContinuousFunction
ContinuousFunction(ContinuousFunction copy)
          Copy constructor.

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.clustering

Subclasses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.clustering
 class ClusteringFitnessFunction
          This abstract class defines member variables and member functions that can be used by subclasses to calculate the fitness of a particular clustering in their respective evaluate methods.
This class makes extensive use of the ClusteringUtils helper class.
 class InterClusterDistance
          This clustering fitness function will probably never be used to train on directly.
 class IntraClusterDistance
          This clustering fitness function will probably never be used to train on directly.
 class KHarmonicMeansFunction
          This is the k-harmonic means clustering fitness function.
 class NonParametricClusteringFunction
          This class makes use of the helper/member functions defined and implemented in {@linkplain ClusteringFitnessFunction) to calculate a non-parameterised fitness of a particular clustering in the calculateFitness method.
 class ParametricClusteringFunction
          This class makes use of the helper/member functions defined and implemented in ClusteringFitnessFunction to calculate a parameterised fitness of a particular clustering in the calculateFitness method.
 class ParametricWithQuantisationErrorFunction
          This class makes use of the helper/member functions defined and implemented in {@linkplain ClusteringFitnessFunction) to calculate an improved parameterised fitness of a particular clustering in the calculateFitness method.
 class QuantisationErrorFunction
          This class makes use of the helper/member functions defined and implemented in ClusteringFitnessFunction to calculate the Quantisation Error of a particular clustering in the calculateFitness method.

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.clustering.validityindices

Subclasses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.clustering.validityindices
 class DaviesBouldinIndex
          This is the Davies-Bouldin Validity Index.
 class DunnIndex
          This is the Dunn Validity Index.
 class DunnIndex33
          This is the Dunn Index 33.
 class DunnIndex53
 class GeneralisedDunnIndex
          This is the Generalised Dunn Index.
 class HalkidiVazirgiannisIndex
          This is the Halkidi-Vazirgiannis Validity Index.
 class MaulikBandyopadhyayIndex
 class ScatterSeperationRatio
          The ScatterSeperationRatio class was created due to the fact that some validity indices make use of the cluster scatter and cluster seperation concepts.
 class TuriIndex
          This is the Turi Validity Index as given in Section 3.1.4 on page 66 of Mahamed G.
 class VeenmanReindersBackerIndex
          This is the Veenman-Reinders-Backer Validity Index.

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous

Subclasses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous
 class ContinuousStep
          The continuous Step function.
 class ExpressionFunction
          A Function class that defines a function based on a predefined string which is parsed and interpreted during evaluation.
 class Foxholes
          This is an implementation of the Foxholes function.
 class FunctionDimensionMapping
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class GoldsteinPrice
          The Goldstein-Price function.

Minimum: f(x) = 3; x = (0, -1)

-2 <= x <= 2

 class Himmelblau
          The Himmelblau function.
 class HyperEllipsoid
 class MaximumDeratingFunction1
 class Michalewicz12
          Michalewicz function.
 class MultimodalFunction1
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class MultimodalFunction2
 class MultimodalFunction3
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class MultimodalFunction4
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class MultimodalFunction5
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class NastyBenchmark
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class Neumaier3
 class NichePSOF1
 class Quadric
 class Quartic
          The Quartic function.
 class Ripple
          Ripple function.
 class Salomon
          Salomon function.
 class Schaffer2
 class Schaffer6
          The Schaffer F6 function.
 class Schwefel
          Schwefel function.
 class SchwefelProblem1_2
 class SchwefelProblem2_21
 class SchwefelProblem2_22
 class SchwefelProblem2_26
          SchwefelProblem 2_26.
 class ShekelN
 class ShekelsFoxholes
          ShekelsFoxholes function.
 class Shir
          The Damavandi function obtained from O.M.
 class Shubert
          Shubert function.
 class SixHumpCamelBack
          SixHumpCamelBack function.
 class Step
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class UrsemF1
          UrsemF1 function.
 class UrsemF3
          UrsemF3 function.
 class UrsemF4
          UrsemF4 function.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous that return ContinuousFunction
 ContinuousFunction NichePSOF1.getClone()

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.decorators

Subclasses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.decorators
 class AngleModulation
          A Decorator pattern class to wrap a normal function to perform Angle Modulation.
 class InvertedFunctionDecorator
          Function implementation to accept a function and to return the reciprocal of that function value.
 class NoisyFunctionDecorator
 class ReflectedFunctionDecorator
           Class to reflect the wrapped Function in a horizontal or vertical fashion.
 class RotatedFunctionDecorator
 class ScaledFunctionDecorator
          Characteristics: Let c be a fixed positive number.
 class ShiftedFunctionDecorator

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.decorators that return ContinuousFunction
 ContinuousFunction RotatedFunctionDecorator.getFunction()
 ContinuousFunction ReflectedFunctionDecorator.getFunction()
          Get the decorated function contained by this instance.
 ContinuousFunction ShiftedFunctionDecorator.getFunction()
 ContinuousFunction ScaledFunctionDecorator.getFunction()
          Get the decorated function.
 ContinuousFunction NoisyFunctionDecorator.getFunction()
          Get the function that is decorated.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.decorators with parameters of type ContinuousFunction
 void RotatedFunctionDecorator.setFunction(ContinuousFunction function)
 void ReflectedFunctionDecorator.setFunction(ContinuousFunction function)
          Set the wrapped function.
 void ShiftedFunctionDecorator.setFunction(ContinuousFunction function)
 void ScaledFunctionDecorator.setFunction(ContinuousFunction function)
          Set the function that is to be decorated.
 void NoisyFunctionDecorator.setFunction(ContinuousFunction function)
          Set the decorated function.

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic

Subclasses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic
 class MovingPeaks

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda1

Subclasses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda1
 class FDA1_f1
          This function is the f1 function of the FDA1 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA1_f2
          This function is the g*h function of the FDA1 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA1_g
          This function is the g function of the FDA1 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA1_h
          This function is the h function of the FDA1 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda1 that return ContinuousFunction
 ContinuousFunction FDA1_h.getFDA1_f()
          Gets the f1 function that is used in the FDA1 problem
 ContinuousFunction FDA1_h.getFDA1_g()
          Returns the g function that is used in the FDA1 problem
 ContinuousFunction FDA1_f2.getFDA1_g()
          Returns the g function that is used in the FDA1 problem
 ContinuousFunction FDA1_f2.getFDA1_h()
          Gets the f1 function that is used in the FDA1 problem

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda1 with parameters of type ContinuousFunction
 void FDA1_h.setFDA1_f(ContinuousFunction fda1_f1)
          Sets the f1 function that is used in the FDA1 problem
 void FDA1_h.setFDA1_g(ContinuousFunction fda1_g)
          Sets the g function that is used in the FDA1 problem
 void FDA1_f2.setFDA1_g(ContinuousFunction fda1_g)
          Sets the g function that is used in the FDA1 problem
 void FDA1_f2.setFDA1_h(ContinuousFunction fda1_h)
          Sets the f1 function that is used in the FDA1 problem

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda2

Subclasses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda2
 class FDA2_f1
          This function is the f1 function of the FDA2 problem defined on page 429 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA2_f2
          This function is the g*h function of the FDA2 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA2_g
          This function is the g function of the FDA2 problem defined on page 429 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA2_h
          This function is the h function of the FDA2 problem defined on page 429 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda2 that return ContinuousFunction
 ContinuousFunction FDA2_h.getFDA2_f()
          Returns the f function that is used in the FDA2 function
 ContinuousFunction FDA2_f2.getFDA2_g()
          Returns the g function that is used in the FDA2 problem
 ContinuousFunction FDA2_h.getFDA2_g()
          Returns the g function that is used in the FDA2 function
 ContinuousFunction FDA2_f2.getFDA2_h()
          Gets the f1 function that is used in the FDA2 problem

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda2 with parameters of type ContinuousFunction
 void FDA2_h.setFDA2_f(ContinuousFunction fda2_f)
          sets the f function that is used the FDA2 function
 void FDA2_f2.setFDA2_g(ContinuousFunction fda2_g)
          Sets the g function that is used in the FDA2 problem
 void FDA2_h.setFDA2_g(ContinuousFunction fda2_g)
          Sets the g function that is used in the FDA2 function
 void FDA2_f2.setFDA2_h(ContinuousFunction fda2_h)
          Sets the f1 function that is used in the FDA2 problem

Uses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.unconstrained

Subclasses of ContinuousFunction in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.unconstrained
 class AbsoluteValue
          The Absolute Value Function.
 class Ackley
          The Generalized Ackley.
 class Beale
          Beale Function.
 class Bird
          Bird Function
 class Bohachevsky1
          Bohachevsky 1
 class Bohachevsky2
          Bohachevsky 2.
 class Bohachevsky3
          Bohachevsky 3.
 class Booth
          Booth Function
 class Branin
          Booth Function
 class Bukin4
          Bukin 4 Function.
 class Bukin6
          Bukin 6 Function.
 class Colville
          The Colville Function.
 class Damavandi
           The Damavandi function obtained from N.
 class Easom
          Easom function as taken from
 class Griewank
          Generalised Griewank function.
 class Michalewicz
          Michalewicz funtion 12.
 class Rastrigin
          The rastrigin function.
 class Rosenbrock
          Generalised Rosenbrock function.
 class Spherical
          Spherical function.

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