Uses of Interface

Packages that use Fitness
net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm The Algorithm package provides the generic algorithm foundation for all Algorithm instances. 

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm that return Fitness
 Fitness MultistartOptimisationAlgorithm.getContributionFitness()
          Returns the fitness of contribution to the solution.
 Fitness MultistartOptimisationAlgorithm.getSolutionFitness()
          Return the fitness of the solution.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm with parameters of type Fitness
 void MultistartOptimisationAlgorithm.updateContributionFitness(Fitness fitness)
          Updates the new fitness for the solution contribution.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction that return Fitness
protected  Fitness RNAOptimisationProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Determine the Fitness of the current Problem instance based on the provided solution.
 Fitness RNAParticle.getBestFitness()
          Return the best fitness associated with this Entity, provided a best fitness is defined on the Entity.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction with parameters of type Fitness
 void RNAParticle.setFitness(Fitness fitness)
          Explicitly set the current fitness value.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.sequencealignment

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.sequencealignment that return Fitness
protected  Fitness BinaryMSAProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Determine the Fitness of the current Problem instance based on the provided solution.
protected  Fitness MSAProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee that return Fitness
 Fitness HoneyBee.getFitness()
          Returns the Entity fitness.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution that return Fitness
abstract  Fitness FitnessSharingStrategy.modifyFitness(CoevolutionAlgorithm ca, Entity ent)
          modifies the fitness of the entity according to a specific fitness sharing strategy.
 Fitness StandardFitnessSharingStrategy.modifyFitness(CoevolutionAlgorithm ca, Entity ent)
          in this case, assign the number of victory to the fitness of the Entity.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.competitors

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.competitors that return Fitness
 Fitness Competitor.getEntityFitness()

Constructors in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.competitors with parameters of type Fitness
Competitor(Type entityData, Fitness entityFitness, int populationID)

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score that return types with arguments of type Fitness
 ArrayList<Fitness> EntityScoreboard.getDrawScores(int round)
          Get all the Fitness values for games drawn by this entity for the specified round
 ArrayList<Fitness> EntityScoreboard.getLoseScores(int round)
          Get all the Fitness values for games lost by this entity for the specified round
 ArrayList<Fitness> EntityScore.getRoundsDrawn()
          Get a list of all the rounds the entity has drawn.
 ArrayList<Fitness> EntityScore.getRoundsLost()
          Get a list of all the rounds the entity has lost.
 ArrayList<Fitness> EntityScore.getRoundsWon()
          Get a list of all the rounds the entity has won.
 ArrayList<Fitness> EntityScoreboard.getScores(int round)
          Get all the Fitness values for all games played by this entity for the specified round
 ArrayList<Fitness> EntityScoreboard.getWinScores(int round)
          Get all the Fitness values for games Won by this entity for the specified round

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score with parameters of type Fitness
 void EntityScore.draw(Fitness score)
          Indicate that the entity that is contained in this EntityScore has drawn.
 void EntityScore.lose(Fitness score)
          Indicate that the entity that is contained in this EntityScore has been defeated.
 void score)
          Indicate that the entity that is contained in this CoevolutionEntityScore won.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score.fitnesscalculation

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score.fitnesscalculation that return Fitness
 Fitness AveFitnessCalculationStrategy.calculateFitnessFromScoreBoard(EntityScoreboard score, int currentRound)
          Calculate the fitness from the scoreboard
 Fitness PercentageWonFitnessCalculationStrategy.calculateFitnessFromScoreBoard(EntityScoreboard score, int currentRound)
          Calculate the fitness from the scoreboard
 Fitness TotalFitnessCalculationStrategy.calculateFitnessFromScoreBoard(EntityScoreboard score, int currentRound)
          Calculate the fitness from the scoreboard
abstract  Fitness FitnessCalculationStrategy.calculateFitnessFromScoreBoard(EntityScoreboard score, int currentRound)
          Calculate the fitness from the scoreboard

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative

Fields in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative declared as Fitness
protected  Fitness

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative that return Fitness
 Fitness HybridCooperativeAlgorithm.getContributionFitness()
          Returns the fitness of contribution to the solution.
 Fitness SplitCooperativeAlgorithm.getContributionFitness()
 Fitness ParticipatingAlgorithm.getContributionFitness()
          Returns the fitness of contribution to the solution.
 Fitness CooperativeEntity.getFitness()

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative with parameters of type Fitness
 void CooperativeEntity.setFitness(Fitness f)
 void HybridCooperativeAlgorithm.updateContributionFitness(Fitness fitness)
          Updates the new fitness for the solution contribution.
 void SplitCooperativeAlgorithm.updateContributionFitness(Fitness fitness)
          The purpose of this method should not be confused with the ContributionUpdateStrategy.
 void ParticipatingAlgorithm.updateContributionFitness(Fitness fitness)
          Updates the new fitness for the solution contribution.

Uses of Fitness in

Methods in that return Fitness
 Fitness EC.getContributionFitness()
          Returns the fitness of contribution to the solution.

Methods in with parameters of type Fitness
 void EC.updateContributionFitness(Fitness fitness)
          Updates the new fitness for the solution contribution.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity that return Fitness
 Fitness Particle.getBestFitness()
          Get the best Fitness for the particle.
 Fitness AbstractEntity.getBestFitness()
          Return the best fitness associated with this Entity, provided a best fitness is defined on the Entity.
 Fitness Entity.getBestFitness()
          Return the best fitness associated with this Entity, provided a best fitness is defined on the Entity.
 Fitness CandidateSolutionMixin.getFitness()
          Obtain the Fitness of the current CandidateSolution.
 Fitness CandidateSolution.getFitness()
          Obtain the Fitness of the current CandidateSolution.
 Fitness Particle.getFitness()
          Returns the Entity fitness.
 Fitness AbstractEntity.getFitness()
          Get the fitness of the CandidateSolution maintained by this Entity.
 Fitness Entity.getFitness()
          Returns the Entity fitness.
 Fitness SocialEntity.getSocialBestFitness()
          Get the current social best fitness.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.discrete

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.discrete that return Fitness
protected  Fitness KnightCoverageProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Deprecated. Returns the fitness of a potential solution to this problem.

Uses of Fitness in

Fields in declared as Fitness
protected  Fitness Agent.agentScore

Methods in that return Fitness
 Fitness Agent.getAgentScore()

Methods in with parameters of type Fitness
 void Agent.setAgentScore(Fitness agentScore)

Uses of Fitness in

Methods in that return Fitness
 Fitness Game.getPlayerScore(int playerID)
          return the fitness of the agent

Methods in with parameters of type Fitness
 void Game.assignPlayerScore(int playerID, Fitness score)
          Assign a score to a player

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion that return Fitness
protected  Fitness CriterionBasedMOProblemAdapter.calculateFitness(Type solution)

Uses of Fitness in

Subinterfaces of Fitness in
 interface NNError
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.

Methods in that return Fitness
 Fitness NeuralNetworkProblem.getFitness(Type solution, boolean count)

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.errorfunctions

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.errorfunctions that implement Fitness
 class ClassificationErrorReal
 class MSEErrorFunction

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.errorfunctions that return Fitness
 Fitness ClassificationErrorReal.newInstance(Double value)
 Fitness MSEErrorFunction.newInstance(Double value)

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.errorfunctions with parameters of type Fitness
 int ClassificationErrorReal.compareTo(Fitness f)
 int MSEErrorFunction.compareTo(Fitness arg0)

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem that implement Fitness
 class InferiorFitness
          This class is used to represent a fitness value that is always inferior.
 class MaximisationFitness
 class MinimisationFitness
          This class implements the Comparable interface for a minimisation problem.
 class MOFitness

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem that return Fitness
protected abstract  Fitness OptimisationProblemAdapter.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Determine the Fitness of the current Problem instance based on the provided solution.
protected  Fitness ClusteringProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          We are actually optimising the ClusteringProblem.innerProblem, so use it to calculate the fitness.
protected  Fitness CooperativeOptimisationProblemAdapter.calculateFitness(Type solution)
protected  Fitness FunctionMaximisationProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Determine the Fitness of the current Problem instance based on the provided solution.
protected  Fitness FunctionLearningProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          This bases the fitness of the solution on the trainingSet samples.
protected  Fitness DeratingFunctionMaximisationProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Calculates the fitness of a solution with respect to the modifications to the search space.
protected  Fitness FunctionMinimisationProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Determine the Fitness of the current Problem instance based on the provided solution.
 Fitness Fitness.getClone()
          Create a cloned copy of the current object and return it.
 Fitness OptimisationSolution.getFitness()
          Returns the fitness of this solution according to OptimisationProblem.getFitness(Type, boolean).
 Fitness MOFitness.getFitness(int index)
 Fitness MOOptimisationProblem.getFitness(int index, Type solution, boolean count)
 Fitness OptimisationProblemAdapter.getFitness(Type solution, boolean count)
          Returns the fitness of a potential solution to this problem.
 Fitness OptimisationProblem.getFitness(Type solution, boolean count)
          Returns the fitness of a potential solution to this problem.
static Fitness InferiorFitness.instance()
          Obtain a reference to the InferiorFitness instance.
 Fitness MOFitness.newInstance(Double value)
          Creation method that maintains Fitness object immutability by returning a new instance of the current class type.
 Fitness MaximisationFitness.newInstance(Double value)
          Creation method that maintains Fitness object immutability by returning a new instance of the current class type.
 Fitness InferiorFitness.newInstance(Double value)
          Creation method that maintains Fitness object immutability by returning a new instance of the current class type.
 Fitness MinimisationFitness.newInstance(Double value)
          Creation method that maintains Fitness object immutability by returning a new instance of the current class type.
 Fitness Fitness.newInstance(Double value)
          Creation method that maintains Fitness object immutability by returning a new instance of the current class type.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem with parameters of type Fitness
 int MOFitness.compareTo(Fitness other)
          Compare the current fitness instance to the provided instance.
 int MaximisationFitness.compareTo(Fitness other)
          Returns superior fitness for larger fitness values.
 int InferiorFitness.compareTo(Fitness other)
          Returns -1, unless other is also the InferiorFitness instance.
 int MinimisationFitness.compareTo(Fitness other)
          Compare the current fitness instance to the provided instance.
 int Fitness.compareTo(Fitness o)
          Compare the current fitness instance to the provided instance.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem with parameters of type Fitness
OptimisationSolution(Type position, Fitness fitness)
          Constructs a new instance of OptimisationSolution.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.coevolution

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.coevolution that return Fitness
protected  Fitness CompetitiveCoevolutionProblemAdapter.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Determine the Fitness of the current Problem instance based on the provided solution.
protected  Fitness GameLearningOptimizationProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Determine the Fitness of the current Problem instance based on the provided solution.
protected  Fitness CompetitiveCoevolutionGameLearningOptimizationProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Determine the Fitness of the current Problem instance based on the provided solution.
 Fitness CompetitiveCoevolutionGameLearningOptimizationProblem.evaluateEntity(int populationID, int evaluationRound, Blackboard<Enum<?>,Type> entityData)
          This method evaluates an entity with regards to a number of groups of entities depending on the instance of the problem
 Fitness CoevolutionOptimisationProblem.evaluateEntity(int populationID, int evaluationRound, Blackboard<Enum<?>,Type> entityData)
          This method evaluates an entity with regards to a number of groups of entities depending on the instance of the problem

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.mappingproblem

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.mappingproblem that return Fitness
protected  Fitness MappingProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
          Calculates the fitness of the given matrix.
protected  Fitness FunctionDimensionMappingProblem.calculateFitness(Type solution)
 Fitness CurvilinearDistEvaluator.evaluateMapping(Matrix<Double> d)
          Implements the evaluateMapping function as required by.
 Fitness CurvilinearCompEvaluator.evaluateMapping(Matrix<Double> dist)
          Implements the evaluateMapping function as required by.
 Fitness KruskalEvaluator.evaluateMapping(Matrix<Double> dist)
          Implements the evaluateMapping function as required by NonlinearMappingProblem.
 Fitness MappingEvaluator.evaluateMapping(Matrix<Double> dist)
          Get called in order to perform an evaluation.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso that return Fitness
 Fitness PSO.getContributionFitness()
          Returns the fitness of contribution to the solution.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso with parameters of type Fitness
 void PSO.updateContributionFitness(Fitness fitness)
          Updates the new fitness for the solution contribution.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle that return Fitness
 Fitness ParticleDecorator.getBestFitness()
abstract  Fitness AbstractParticle.getBestFitness()
          Return the best fitness associated with this Entity, provided a best fitness is defined on the Entity.
 Fitness StandardParticle.getBestFitness()
          Return the best fitness associated with this Entity, provided a best fitness is defined on the Entity.
 Fitness ParticleDecorator.getFitness()
 Fitness AbstractParticle.getSocialBestFitness()
          Get the current social best fitness.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies that return Fitness
 Fitness IterationNeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
          Get the social best fitness (neighbourhood best) of the given Entity.
 Fitness NeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
          Get the social best fitness (neighbourhood best) of the given Entity.
 Fitness MemoryNeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy.getSocialBestFitness(Entity entity)
          Get the social best fitness of the entity.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator that return Fitness
 Fitness PropertyBasedFitnessCalculator.getFitness(Entity entity, boolean count)
          Get the fitness, given the position.
 Fitness EntityBasedFitnessCalculator.getFitness(Entity entity, boolean count)
          Get the fitness, given the position.
 Fitness FitnessCalculator.getFitness(T entity, boolean count)
          Get the fitness, given the position.
 Fitness StructuredTypeFitnessCalculator.getFitness(T structure, boolean count)
          Get the fitness, given the position.

Uses of Fitness in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing.entity

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing.entity that return Fitness
 Fitness CurrentFitness.getFitness(E entity)
          Obtain the Fitness of the provided entity.
 Fitness EntityFitness.getFitness(E entity)
          Obtain the Fitness of the provided entity.
 Fitness SocialBestFitness.getFitness(SocialEntity entity)
          Obtain the Fitness of the provided entity.

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