Package net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.sequencealignment

Interface Summary
GapPenaltiesMethod Public common interface for gap penalties methods (GapFogel, GapFourFour and GapOpeningAndExtensionPenalty).
ScoringMethod Public common interface to allow multiple scoring schemes, namely Similarity, MatchFogel, and BestMatch (DNA or any characters), BLOSUM and PAM (Proteins).

Class Summary
AlignmentCreator This class is responsible for creating an output alignment by populating the input alignment with gaps at positions given by the discretization of the particles positions.
AlignmentVisualizer This class serves as a measurement, its puspose is to display the output alignment.
BestMatch A scoring function based on the highest number of matches per column.
BinaryAlignmentCreator This class is responsible for creating an output alignment by populating the input alignment with gaps at positions given by the discretization of the particles positions.
BinaryMSAProblem This class represents the Optimization Problem to be solved for the MSA (Binary representation).
BLOSUM62SoP This class implements the Sum Of Pairs scoring function that uses the BLOSUM62 substitutions matrices that give scores for proteins in a biologically meaningful manner.
DesiredMaximizationFitness This class serves as a crude implementation of a stopping condition that forces the optimizer to stop whenever a arbitrary fitness has been reached.
DynamicProgramming This class implements a technique for pairwise sequence alignment known as Dynamic Programming.
FASTADataSetBuilder Builds the input data set that gets fed as sequences to be aligned.
GapFogel Method that calculates a gap score by linearly or not scale the number of gaps over all columns.
GapFourFour Method that penalises gaps.
GapOpeningAndExtensionPenalty Method that penalises indels as gap groups.
MatchFogel A scoring function based on the overall score for the number of matched symbols over all columns.
MSAProblem This class represents the Optimization Problem to be solved for the MSA (Real representation).
PAM250SoP This class implements the Sum Of Pairs scoring function that uses PAM250 substitutions matrices that give scores for proteins in a biologically meaningful manner.
Similarity SIMILARITY SCORING FUNCTION Score all possible pairwise combinations in column Requires (N * (N-1))/2 comparisons for N sequences Total score = sum of score for each column SoP routine has been optimized for speed.

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