Uses of Interface

Packages that use DomainRegistry
net.sourceforge.cilib.functions Collection of different types of functions. 

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry RNAOptimisationProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
          Returns the domain component that describes the search space of the needed behavioral characteristics of the problem.
 DomainRegistry RNAOptimisationProblem.getDomain()
          Returns the domain component that describes the search space for this problem.

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.sequencealignment

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.sequencealignment that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry BinaryMSAProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
          Returns the domain component that describes the search space of the needed behavioral characteristics of the problem.
 DomainRegistry MSAProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry BinaryMSAProblem.getDomain()
          Returns the domain component that describes the search space for this problem.
 DomainRegistry MSAProblem.getDomain()

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry CoevolutionAlgorithm.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry CoevolutionAlgorithm.getDomain()

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry Function.getBehavioralDomainRegistry()
 DomainRegistry Function.getDomainRegistry()
          Accessor for the domain of the function.

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.decorators

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.decorators with parameters of type DomainRegistry
 int AngleModulation.getRequiredNumberOfBits(DomainRegistry domain)

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.discrete

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.discrete that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry KnightCoverageProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry KnightCoverageProblem.getDomain()
          Deprecated. Returns the domain component that describes the search space for this problem.

Uses of DomainRegistry in

Methods in that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry NeuralAgent.getAgentDomain()
          Get the domain the agent's solution is represented by
abstract  DomainRegistry Agent.getAgentDomain()
          Get the domain the agent's solution is represented by
 DomainRegistry RandomAgent.getAgentDomain()
          Get the domain the agent's solution is represented by

Uses of DomainRegistry in

Methods in that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry StateEvaluationAgent.getAgentDomain()
          Get the domain the agent's solution is represented by

Uses of DomainRegistry in

Methods in that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry EndGameStateEvaluator.getEvaluatorDomain()
          If the evaluator can be optimized then the evaluator data should be in a specific domain, this function should return that domain
 DomainRegistry NeuralStateEvaluator.getEvaluatorDomain()
          If the evaluator can be optimized then the evaluator data should be in a specific domain, this function should return that domain
 DomainRegistry StateEvaluator.getEvaluatorDomain()
          If the evaluator can be optimized then the evaluator data should be in a specific domain, this function should return that domain

Uses of DomainRegistry in

Methods in that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry Game.getDomainForPlayer(int playerID)
          This method is used to get the specific domain for an agents solution vector

Uses of DomainRegistry in

Methods in that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry PierreDellacherieTetrisEvaluator.getEvaluatorDomain()
          If the evaluator can be optimized then the evaluator data should be in a specific domain, this function should return that domain

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry CriterionBasedMOProblemAdapter.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry CriterionBasedMOProblemAdapter.getDomain()

Uses of DomainRegistry in

Methods in that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry NeuralNetworkProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry NeuralNetworkProblem.getDomain()

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry ClusteringProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
          Return the actual domain of the problem's dataset, i.e.
 DomainRegistry CooperativeOptimisationProblemAdapter.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry FunctionOptimisationProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry OptimisationProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
          Returns the domain component that describes the search space of the needed behavioral characteristics of the problem.
 DomainRegistry MOOptimisationProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry FunctionLearningProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry ClusteringProblem.getDomain()
          Return the domain as used by the configured fitness function, i.e.
 DomainRegistry CooperativeOptimisationProblemAdapter.getDomain()
 DomainRegistry FunctionOptimisationProblem.getDomain()
          Returns the component that describes the domain of the function.
 DomainRegistry OptimisationProblem.getDomain()
          Returns the domain component that describes the search space for this problem.
 DomainRegistry MOOptimisationProblem.getDomain()
 DomainRegistry FunctionLearningProblem.getDomain()
 DomainRegistry ClusteringProblem.getDomainRegistry()
          Return the actual domain of the problem's dataset, i.e.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem with parameters of type DomainRegistry
 void ClusteringProblem.setDomainRegistry(DomainRegistry dr)
          Set the actual domain of the problem's dataset.

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.coevolution

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.coevolution that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry CompetitiveCoevolutionProblemAdapter.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry GameLearningOptimizationProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
          Returns the domain component that describes the search space of the needed behavioral characteristics of the problem.
 DomainRegistry CompetitiveCoevolutionProblemAdapter.getDomain()
 DomainRegistry GameLearningOptimizationProblem.getDomain()
          Returns the domain component that describes the search space for this problem.
 DomainRegistry CompetitiveCoevolutionGameLearningOptimizationProblem.getSubPopulationDomain(int populationNo)
          This method is used by the coevolution algorithm to assign an optimization problem instance to each sub population this optimization problem needs to define the domain for that specific sub population
 DomainRegistry CoevolutionOptimisationProblem.getSubPopulationDomain(int populationNo)
          This method is used by the coevolution algorithm to assign an optimization problem instance to each sub population this optimization problem needs to define the domain for that specific sub population

Constructors in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.coevolution with parameters of type DomainRegistry
CompetitiveCoevolutionProblemAdapter(int populationID, DomainRegistry domain, CoevolutionOptimisationProblem coevolutionProblem)

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.mappingproblem

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.mappingproblem that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry FunctionDimensionMappingProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry LinearMappingProblem.getBehaviouralDomain()
 DomainRegistry FunctionDimensionMappingProblem.getDomain()
 DomainRegistry LinearMappingProblem.getDomain()

Uses of DomainRegistry in net.sourceforge.cilib.type

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.type that implement DomainRegistry
 class StringBasedDomainRegistry
          Class to perform the needed mappings between a top level domain string and the built representation.

Methods in net.sourceforge.cilib.type that return DomainRegistry
 DomainRegistry DomainRegistry.getClone()
          Create a cloned copy of the current object and return it.

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