Uses of Interface

Packages that use Cloneable
net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm The Algorithm package provides the generic algorithm foundation for all Algorithm instances. 
net.sourceforge.cilib.controlparameter A ControlParameter is a generalised parameter type within CIlib. 
net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies This package contains different topology implementations. 
net.sourceforge.cilib.functions Collection of different types of functions. 
net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous TODO: Complete this javadoc. 

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm
 interface AlgorithmListener
          Any class can implement this interface to be notified about algorithm events.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm that implement Cloneable
 class Algorithm
           All algorithms in CIlib should be subclasses of Algorithm.
 class MultistartOptimisationAlgorithm
          MultistartOptimisationAlgorithm is simply a wrapper.
 class SingularAlgorithm
          This class is the abstract base for all algorithms that do not fall within the normal Computational Intelligence type of algorithm.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.initialisation that implement Cloneable
 class ClonedPopulationInitialisationStrategy
          Create a collection of entities by cloning the given prototype Entity.
 class PopulationInitialisationStrategy
          Interface describing the manner in which populations are initialised.
 class SpecializedPopluationInitialisationStrategy
          Initialise a specialised collection of entity objects.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population
 interface IterationStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          Interface to define the manner in which an iteration is defined for a PopulationBasedAlgorithm.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractIterationStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          Generic IterationStrategy class for all population based algorithms.
 class MultiPopulationBasedAlgorithm
          Algorithm class to describe the notion of aggregated PopulationBasedAlgorithm instances.
 class MultiPopulationCriterionBasedAlgorithm
           Generic class that represents the case where a Criterion-based MultiPopulationBasedAlgorithm (like VEPSO) is used to solve a Multi-objective problem.
 class PopulationBasedAlgorithm
          Base class for all algorithms that manage a collection of entities in some manner.
 class SinglePopulationBasedAlgorithm
          Base class for algorithms that focus on a single populations of entities.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies
 interface KnowledgeTransferStrategy
           This interface is used in combination with a MultiPopulationBasedAlgorithm to enable different types of knowledge (like global best particle positions etc.) to be shared among different sub-populations during a search.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.knowledgetransferstrategies that implement Cloneable
 class SelectiveKnowledgeTransferStrategy
           An implementation of KnowledgeTransferStrategy where two Selection instances are used to first select a sub-population (PopulationBasedAlgorithm) from a collection of population-based algorithms (see MultiPopulationBasedAlgorithm) and then within this sub-population's {@link Topology}, which entity's knowledge is to be transfered to the caller requesting it.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.rnaprediction that implement Cloneable
 class Efn2RNAFitness
 class HydrogenBondFitness
 class MathewsFitness
 class MethewsFitness
 class RNAAccuracyMeasurement
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class RNAConformation
 class RNAFitness
 class RNAOptimisationProblem
 class RNAParticle
 class RNAPSO
 class RNAStem
 class RNAStructureMeasurement
 class RNAVelocityUpdate
 class SimpleRNAFitness
 class ViennaRNAFitness

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.sequencealignment

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.bioinf.sequencealignment that implement Cloneable
 class AlignmentVisualizer
          This class serves as a measurement, its puspose is to display the output alignment.
 class BinaryMSAProblem
          This class represents the Optimization Problem to be solved for the MSA (Binary representation).
 class DesiredMaximizationFitness
          This class serves as a crude implementation of a stopping condition that forces the optimizer to stop whenever a arbitrary fitness has been reached.
 class FASTADataSetBuilder
          Builds the input data set that gets fed as sequences to be aligned.
 class MSAProblem
          This class represents the Optimization Problem to be solved for the MSA (Real representation).

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa that implement Cloneable
 class ABC
           An implementation of the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee
 interface HoneyBee
          Super interface for all types of bees in the artificial bee algorithm.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.bee that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractBee
          The entity class for the ABC algorithm that represents the bees.
 class ExplorerBee
          Represents the explorer bee in the algorithm.
 class OnlookerBee
          Represents an onlooker bee in the hive.
 class WorkerBee
          A worker bee that forages for food and updates the hive information by dancing.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.positionupdatestrategies

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.positionupdatestrategies
 interface BeePositionUpdateStrategy
          Interface for a bee position update strategy.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.boa.positionupdatestrategies that implement Cloneable
 class VisualPositionUpdateStategy
          Represents the visual exploration strategy used by bees to choose a their next forage patch close by.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.clustering.kmeans

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.clustering.kmeans
 interface CentroidsInitialisationStrategy
          This strategy allows for different ways of initializing the centroids of a clustering.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.clustering.kmeans that implement Cloneable
 class DataSetBasedCentroidsInitialisationStrategy
          This strategy initializes the parts of the returned centroids Vector from randomly chosen patterns in the dataset.
 class KMeans
          This algorithm is an implementation of the KMeans Clustering algorithm.
 class RandomCentroidsInitialisationStrategy
          This strategy initializes the centroids of a clustering to random positions in the search space.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution that implement Cloneable
 class CoevolutionAlgorithm
          This is the framework for a coevolution algorithm, either competitive or cooperative
 class CoevolutionIterationStrategy
          Parent class of CompetitiveCoevolutionIterationStrategy and CooperativeCoevolutionIterationStrategy.
 class CoevolutionSynchronousIterationStrategy
          FIXME: Remove this class.
 class CompetitiveCoevolutionIterationStrategy
          This iteration strategy defines methods to select opponents.
 class FitnessSharingStrategy
 class StandardFitnessSharingStrategy
          example of implementation of an FitnessSharingStrategy.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.competitors

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.competitors that implement Cloneable
 class CoevolutionCompetitorList
          This class maintains a list of competitors per population for a coevolution problem.
 class Competitor
 class PopulationCompetitorList
          This class represents a list of Competitor's with the same populationID

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score that implement Cloneable
 class EntityScoreboard
          This class provides a means of keeping a competition history of one specific entity within a CoevolutionAlgorithm.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score.fitnesscalculation

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.score.fitnesscalculation that implement Cloneable
 class AveFitnessCalculationStrategy
          This Fitness calulation strategy simply gets the average score attained regardless of win/lose or draw as the Fitness value.
 class FitnessCalculationStrategy
 class PercentageWonFitnessCalculationStrategy
          This class uses the percentage games won as the Fitness value
 class TotalFitnessCalculationStrategy
          the fitness is the total Fitness over all the fitness values attained in each round

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.selection

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.coevolution.selection that implement Cloneable
 class OpponentPoolSelectionStrategy
          This strategy is used to select the pool of potential opponents for a competitive coevolution algorithm.
 class OpponentSelectionStrategy
          This class determins how opponents are selected from the opponent pool.
 class SelectAllOpponentSelectionStrategy
          example of implementation of an OpponentSelectionStrategy, selects all the opponents in the pool
 class SelectAllSolutionsPoolSelectionStrategy
          Adds all the Entitys current positions to the pool of potentail opponents
 class SelectHOFPoolSelectionStrategy
          Maintains a HOF and adds the HOF Competitors to the pool
 class SelectNOpponentSelectionStrategy
          Select N random opponents from the pool of competitors
 class SelectpBestSolutionsPoolSelectionStrategy
          Add all the populations personal best vectors to the opponent pool, this can only be used on Algorithms that optimise Particles

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.container

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.container that implement Cloneable
 class BitArray
          This class represents an array of bit values and is efficient as the values are packed together.
 class Matrix<E>
 class Pair<K extends Comparable<? super K>,V>
          Simple structure to associate a key to a value.
 class SortedList<E extends Comparable<? super E>>
          A collection that always provides a list of elements that is sorted.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.controlparameter

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.controlparameter
 interface ControlParameter
          A control parameter is a parameter that is used within most algorithm types.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.controlparameter that implement Cloneable
 class BoundedControlParameter
          A control parameter instance that is defined to operate within a specific range of values.
 class ConstantControlParameter
          A control parameter to represent a constant value.
 class ExponentiallyDecreasingControlParameter
          A control parameter that is defined to update itself in an exponentially decreasing manner.
 class ExponentiallyIncreasingControlParameter
          A control parameter that is defined to update itself in an exponentially increasing manner.
 class LinearDecreasingControlParameter
          A control parameter that is defined to update itself in an linearly decreasing manner.
 class LinearIncreasingControlParameter
          A control parameter that is defined to update itself in an linearly increasing manner.
 class ProportionalControlParameter
          A control parameter that is defined to return a proportional value.
 class RandomizingControlParameter
           A control parameter that is defined to return a constant multiplied with a random number.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative that implement Cloneable
 class CooperativeEntity
 class HybridCooperativeAlgorithm
 class SplitCooperativeAlgorithm
          TODO test this class This class forms that basis for any co-operative optimisation implementations.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.algorithmiterators

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.algorithmiterators
 interface AlgorithmIterator<E>
          TODO: Complete this Javadoc.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.cooperative.algorithmiterators that implement Cloneable
 class RandomAlgorithmIterator<E extends Algorithm>
          Iterate through a list of Algorithms in a random order.
 class SequentialAlgorithmIterator<E extends Algorithm>
          Iterate through a list of Algorithms in a sequential order.

Uses of Cloneable in

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in
 interface PhenotypeUpdateStrategy

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class EC
          Generic EC skeleton algorithm.
 class Individual
 class LognormalPhenotypeUpdateStrategy
 class StaticPhenotypeUpdateStrategy

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class DifferentialEvolutionIterationStrategy
          Evolutionary Strategy to implement the Differential Evolutionary Algorithm.
 class GeneticAlgorithmIterationStrategy
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity
 interface CandidateSolution
          Interface to describe the notion of a CandidateSoution.
 interface Entity
          This is the super interface which all corresponding entity implementation and extending interfaces, for use in population based algorithms, must implement/extend from.
 interface Particle
          Definition of a particle.
 interface SocialEntity
           An Entity that can recieve information from other Entities.
 interface Topology<E extends Entity>
          This is a generalization for all algorithms that maintain a collection of Entity objects.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractEntity
          Abstract class definition for all concrete Entity objects.
 class AbstractTopology<E extends Entity>
          This an abstract class which extends from the abstract Topology class.
 class CandidateSolutionMixin
           A CandidateSolution is a potential solution within an optimization.
 class Harmony
          Entity definition for a Harmony.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators
 interface Operator
          Interface to define all operators within the general structure of CIlib.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators that implement Cloneable
 class CompositeOperator
          Create a composte list of Operator instances.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation
 interface CreationStrategy
          Creation operator definition.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation that implement Cloneable
 class RandCreationStrategy

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover that implement Cloneable
 class BlendCrossoverStrategy
          Implementation of the blend cross-over strategy.
 class CrossoverStrategy
 class DifferentialEvolutionBinomialCrossover
          Binomial crossover operator.
 class DifferentialEvolutionExponentialCrossover
 class OnePointCrossoverStrategy
 class UniformCrossoverStrategy

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.general

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.general that implement Cloneable
 class TopologyLoopingOperator
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.mutation

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.mutation that implement Cloneable
 class CauchyMutationStrategy
 class GaussianMutationStrategy
 class MutationStrategy
 class UniformMutationStrategy

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.selection

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.selection that implement Cloneable
 class CompoundSelection
          This class implements the Composite design pattern to correctly apply a group of selection operators to perform a specific selection.
 class ElitistSelectionStrategy
 class RandomSelectionStrategy
 class RouletteWheelSelectionStrategy
          This class implements Roulette Wheel selection, also known as proportionate selection.
 class SelectionStrategy
 class TournamentSelectionStrategy
          Perform a tournament selection process on the provided Topology with a predefined tournament size.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.topologies that implement Cloneable
 class GBestTopology<E extends Entity>
           Implementation of the gbest neighbourhood topology.
 class HypercubeTopology<E extends Entity>
 class LBestTopology<E extends Entity>
           Implementation of the Local Best Neighbourhood topology.
 class VonNeumannTopology<E extends Entity>
           Implementation of the Von Neumann neighbourhood topology.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions that implement Cloneable
 class ContinuousFunction
 class DiscreteFunction
 class Function
          All functions should inherit from Function.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.activation

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.activation that implement Cloneable
 class ActivationFunction
          Activation functions are functions that are typically used within Neurons.
 class Sigmoid
          The generalised sigmoid function.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.clustering

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.clustering that implement Cloneable
 class ClusteringFitnessFunction
          This abstract class defines member variables and member functions that can be used by subclasses to calculate the fitness of a particular clustering in their respective evaluate methods.
This class makes extensive use of the ClusteringUtils helper class.
 class InterClusterDistance
          This clustering fitness function will probably never be used to train on directly.
 class IntraClusterDistance
          This clustering fitness function will probably never be used to train on directly.
 class KHarmonicMeansFunction
          This is the k-harmonic means clustering fitness function.
 class NonParametricClusteringFunction
          This class makes use of the helper/member functions defined and implemented in {@linkplain ClusteringFitnessFunction) to calculate a non-parameterised fitness of a particular clustering in the calculateFitness method.
 class ParametricClusteringFunction
          This class makes use of the helper/member functions defined and implemented in ClusteringFitnessFunction to calculate a parameterised fitness of a particular clustering in the calculateFitness method.
 class ParametricWithQuantisationErrorFunction
          This class makes use of the helper/member functions defined and implemented in {@linkplain ClusteringFitnessFunction) to calculate an improved parameterised fitness of a particular clustering in the calculateFitness method.
 class QuantisationErrorFunction
          This class makes use of the helper/member functions defined and implemented in ClusteringFitnessFunction to calculate the Quantisation Error of a particular clustering in the calculateFitness method.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.clustering.validityindices

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.clustering.validityindices that implement Cloneable
 class DaviesBouldinIndex
          This is the Davies-Bouldin Validity Index.
 class DunnIndex
          This is the Dunn Validity Index.
 class DunnIndex33
          This is the Dunn Index 33.
 class DunnIndex53
 class GeneralisedDunnIndex
          This is the Generalised Dunn Index.
 class HalkidiVazirgiannisIndex
          This is the Halkidi-Vazirgiannis Validity Index.
 class MaulikBandyopadhyayIndex
 class ScatterSeperationRatio
          The ScatterSeperationRatio class was created due to the fact that some validity indices make use of the cluster scatter and cluster seperation concepts.
 class TuriIndex
          This is the Turi Validity Index as given in Section 3.1.4 on page 66 of Mahamed G.
 class VeenmanReindersBackerIndex
          This is the Veenman-Reinders-Backer Validity Index.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous that implement Cloneable
 class ContinuousStep
          The continuous Step function.
 class ExpressionFunction
          A Function class that defines a function based on a predefined string which is parsed and interpreted during evaluation.
 class Foxholes
          This is an implementation of the Foxholes function.
 class FunctionDimensionMapping
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class GoldsteinPrice
          The Goldstein-Price function.

Minimum: f(x) = 3; x = (0, -1)

-2 <= x <= 2

 class Himmelblau
          The Himmelblau function.
 class HyperEllipsoid
 class MaximumDeratingFunction1
 class Michalewicz12
          Michalewicz function.
 class MultimodalFunction1
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class MultimodalFunction2
 class MultimodalFunction3
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class MultimodalFunction4
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class MultimodalFunction5
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class NastyBenchmark
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class Neumaier3
 class NichePSOF1
 class Quadric
 class Quartic
          The Quartic function.
 class Ripple
          Ripple function.
 class Salomon
          Salomon function.
 class Schaffer2
 class Schaffer6
          The Schaffer F6 function.
 class Schwefel
          Schwefel function.
 class SchwefelProblem1_2
 class SchwefelProblem2_21
 class SchwefelProblem2_22
 class SchwefelProblem2_26
          SchwefelProblem 2_26.
 class ShekelN
 class ShekelsFoxholes
          ShekelsFoxholes function.
 class Shir
          The Damavandi function obtained from O.M.
 class Shubert
          Shubert function.
 class SixHumpCamelBack
          SixHumpCamelBack function.
 class Step
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class UrsemF1
          UrsemF1 function.
 class UrsemF3
          UrsemF3 function.
 class UrsemF4
          UrsemF4 function.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.decorators

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.decorators that implement Cloneable
 class AngleModulation
          A Decorator pattern class to wrap a normal function to perform Angle Modulation.
 class InvertedFunctionDecorator
          Function implementation to accept a function and to return the reciprocal of that function value.
 class NoisyFunctionDecorator
 class ReflectedFunctionDecorator
           Class to reflect the wrapped Function in a horizontal or vertical fashion.
 class RotatedFunctionDecorator
 class ScaledFunctionDecorator
          Characteristics: Let c be a fixed positive number.
 class ShiftedFunctionDecorator

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic that implement Cloneable
 class MovingPeaks

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda1

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda1 that implement Cloneable
 class FDA1_f1
          This function is the f1 function of the FDA1 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA1_f2
          This function is the g*h function of the FDA1 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA1_g
          This function is the g function of the FDA1 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA1_h
          This function is the h function of the FDA1 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda2

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.dynamic.moo.fda2 that implement Cloneable
 class FDA2_f1
          This function is the f1 function of the FDA2 problem defined on page 429 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA2_f2
          This function is the g*h function of the FDA2 problem defined on page 428 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA2_g
          This function is the g function of the FDA2 problem defined on page 429 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.
 class FDA2_h
          This function is the h function of the FDA2 problem defined on page 429 in the following paper: M.Farina, K.Deb, P.Amato.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.unconstrained

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.continuous.unconstrained that implement Cloneable
 class AbsoluteValue
          The Absolute Value Function.
 class Ackley
          The Generalized Ackley.
 class Beale
          Beale Function.
 class Bird
          Bird Function
 class Bohachevsky1
          Bohachevsky 1
 class Bohachevsky2
          Bohachevsky 2.
 class Bohachevsky3
          Bohachevsky 3.
 class Booth
          Booth Function
 class Branin
          Booth Function
 class Bukin4
          Bukin 4 Function.
 class Bukin6
          Bukin 6 Function.
 class Colville
          The Colville Function.
 class Damavandi
           The Damavandi function obtained from N.
 class Easom
          Easom function as taken from
 class Griewank
          Generalised Griewank function.
 class Michalewicz
          Michalewicz funtion 12.
 class Rastrigin
          The rastrigin function.
 class Rosenbrock
          Generalised Rosenbrock function.
 class Spherical
          Spherical function.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.discrete

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.functions.discrete that implement Cloneable
 class BinaryAdapter
          Class to convert a binary vector into a continuous vector for optimisation of continous problems by a binary optimiser.
 class BitStringMatcher
          Discrete function to match the given bit string or a randomly generated bit string.
 class KnapSack
          Perform the knapsack problem optimisation.
 class KnightCoverageProblem
 class KnightsCoverage
 class KnightsTour
          An implementation of the Knight's Tour problem function.
 class LongestCommonSubsequence
          Implementation of the Longest Common Subsequence problem.
 class Queens
          Implementation of the a function to return the fitness of the Queens problem.

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class Agent
          This class represents a game playing agent.
 class NeuralAgent
 class RandomAgent
          This is an agent that chooses a random state as its decision, it will only work on Game's that impliment StateGame

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class StateEvaluationAgent

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class NeuralStateEvaluator

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class MinMaxAlphaBetaTraversalStrategy
 class StateTraversalStrategy

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class Game<E extends GameState>
 class GridGame

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class PredatorPreyGame
 class RealTimePredatorPreyGame

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class MinMaxDistanceInitializationStrategy
 class PredPreyPositionInitializationStrategy
 class RandomPredPreyInitializationStrategy
 class StaticPositionInitializationStrategy

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class AveTetrisFeaturesMeasure
 class Tetris
          This is an implimentation of the game of Tetris.
 class TetrisBlock
 class TetrisGameState
          This class represents a Tetris game state.

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractShape
          This class represents a Shape in tetris.
 class BoxShape
          This class represents the Box shape
 class LineShape
          This class represents the line shape
 class LShape
          This class represents the L shape
 class RLShape
          This class represents the reverse L shape
 class RZigZagShape
          This class represents the Reverse ZigZag shape
 class TShape
          This class represents the T shape
 class ZigZagShape
          This class represents the ZigZag shape

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class TicTacToe
          This is an implimentation of the game of Tic Tac Toe

Uses of Cloneable in

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in
 interface ItemLocation

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class GameItem
          Any object that exists in the game.
 class GridItem
          An object in the game that is located in a grid.
 class GridLocation
 class PlayerItem
          any game item controlled by a player

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class AgentMeasure
 class AverageItemDistanceMeasure
 class RecordItemLocationMeasure
          Record each location an Agent has occupied at each timestep in the game.
 class SingleAgentMeasure
          This defines an AgentMeasure that only records information for a specified Agent As specified by the given GameToken

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class FixedListSeedingStrategy
          This class is similar to the ListSeedingStrategy but differs in the following way.
 class FixedSeedStrategy
          This seeding strategy always uses the same seed.
 class GameSeedingStrategy
          This class is used to generate random numbers for Game's.
 class ListSeedingStrategy
          This class contains a list of seed values to use.
 class RandomListSeedingStrategy
 class UniqueSeedingStrategy
          This is a seeding strategy that generates a unique seed everytime the seedGenerator method is called.

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractGameResult
 class DrawResult
 class ScoreGameResult
 class WinGameResult

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class GameState
 class GridGameState
          This is a GameState where all the GameItem's are stored in a matrix.
 class ListGameState
          This is a GameState where GameItem's are stored in a list of items.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.hs

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.hs that implement Cloneable
 class HS
          Harmony Search as published in K.S.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random that implement Cloneable
 class RandomNumber
          This class provides the needed functionality to sample random numbers from different continuous valued distributions.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random.generator

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random.generator that implement Cloneable
 class KnuthSubtractive
          An implementation of Knuth's subtractive random number generator.
 class MersenneTwister
           This is an implementation of the MT19937 random number generator.
 class Random
 class RANLUX
           This is an implementation of Martin Luescher's second generation double-precision (48-bit) version of the RANLUX generator.
 class Tausworthe
           This is a maximally equidistributed combined Tausworthe generator by L'Ecuyer.
 class ZiffGFSR4
           The GFSR4 generator is like a lagged-fibonacci generator, and produces each number as an `xor''d sum of four previous values.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random.generator.quasi

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random.generator.quasi that implement Cloneable
 class QuasiRandom
          TODO: Need to complete javadoc.
 class Sobol
          Implementation adapted from

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement
 interface Measurement
          All measurements must implement this interface.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement that implement Cloneable
 class StateAwareMeasurement
           This class serves as the base class for all state based measurements.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement.generic

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement.generic that implement Cloneable
 class Iterations
 class PercentageComplete
 class Restarts
 class Time

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement.multiple

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement.multiple that implement Cloneable
 class CompositeMeasurement
          Measurement to perform measurements on a set of contained Algorithm instances.
 class MultipleFitness
          Deprecated. This class is no longer valid. A combination of the CompositeMeasurement and Fitness should be used instead
 class MultipleSolutions
          Deprecated. This class is no longer valid. A combination of the CompositeMeasurement and Solution should be used instead
 class MultiPopulationFitness
 class ParetoOptimalFront
           Measures the set of non-dominated objective vectors withing an archive.
 class ParetoOptimalSet
           Measures the set of non-dominated decision vectors within an archive.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement.single

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement.single that implement Cloneable
 class BestParticlePosition
          Print the position of the best particle in the swarm.
 class BestPositionBoundViolations
          Checks of the best position in the current population violates boundary constraints.
 class ConvergedDimensions
          Calculates the average number of dimensions over all particles that have converged within a specified error from the specified optimum.
 class Diameter
          Calculates the swarm diameter as the maximum euclidean distance between any two particles.
 class DimensionBoundViolationsPerParticle
          Calculates the average number of violations of boundary constraints with respect to each dimension.
 class Diversity
           Function to calculate the diversity of a swarm according to the definition of Krink et al
 class EuclideanDiversityAroundGBest
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class Fitness
 class FitnessEvaluations
 class FunctionOptimisationError
 class GenericFunctionMeasurement
 class NormalisedDiversity
          TODO: Rather let this extend Diversity, call super.getValue, but how to type-cast this back to a double?
 class NumberOfClustersFormed
          This measurement measures the number of clusters that were formed during a particular clustering.
 class ParticleBoundViolations
          Calculates the average number of particles in the current swarm that violates boundary constraints.
 class ParticlePositions
 class PbestBoundViolations
          Calculates the average number of personal best positions in the current swarm that violates boundary constraints.
 class Solution
 class SpatialExtent
           Function to calculate the diversity measure, spatial extent as defined by Blackwell
 class StoredFitness
          This measurement only works for PSO.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement.single.diversity

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.measurement.single.diversity that implement Cloneable
 class AverageDiversityAroundAllEntities

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.archive.solutionweighing

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.archive.solutionweighing
 interface SolutionWeighing
           Weighs an optimisation solution for selection to be either removed from the Archive or selected to be used as guide during the search process.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.archive.solutionweighing that implement Cloneable
 class AntiClusterWeighing
           An implementation of SolutionWeighing that weighs a collection of OptimisationSolutions based on how closely clustered these solutions are to one another.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion that implement Cloneable
 class CriterionBasedMOProblemAdapter
           Serves as an adapter for a MOOptimisationProblem and converts it to a single-objective optimisation problem by selecting one of the sub-objectives as its active objective.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion.objectiveassignmentstrategies

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion.objectiveassignmentstrategies
 interface ObjectiveAssignmentStrategy
           Used by MultiPopulationCriterionBasedAlgorithm to assign the different sub-objectives in a MOOptimisationProblem to specific PopulationBasedAlgorithms.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.criterion.objectiveassignmentstrategies that implement Cloneable
 class RandomObjectiveAssignmentStrategy
           Randomly assigns the sub-objectives of a MOOptimisationProblem to different PopulationBasedAlgorithms.
 class SequentialObjectiveAssignmentStrategy
           Sequentially assigns the sub-objectives of a MOOptimisationProblem to different PopulationBasedAlgorithm instances.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.iterationstrategies

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.moo.iterationstrategies that implement Cloneable
 class ArchivingIterationStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
           A generic multi-objective IterationStrategy class that wraps another IterationStrategy and is responsible for populating the Archive of Pareto optimal solutions after the execution of the inner IterationStrategy class.

Uses of Cloneable in

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in
 interface NeuralNetworkDataIterator
          TODO: Complete the javadoc.
 interface NNError
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 interface NNPattern
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class EvaluationMediator
 class NeuralNetworkController
          Deprecated. This class is no longer viable - Please see EvaluationMediator
 class NeuralNetworkProblem
          Deprecated. This class is no longer really valid.

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class AreaUnderROC
          TODO: Fill in some javadoc.
 class DcPatternCount
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class DgPatternCount
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class DtPatternCount
          TODO: Complete the javadoc.
 class DvPatternCount
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class ErrorDg
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class ErrorDt
          TODO: complete this javadoc.
 class ErrorDv
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class NNOutput
          Measurement to determine the output of a Neural Network.
 class RobelOverfittingRho
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic that implement Cloneable
 class Weight

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.datacontainers

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.datacontainers that implement Cloneable
 class LinearDataIterator
 class StandardPattern

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.errorfunctions

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.errorfunctions that implement Cloneable
 class ClassificationErrorReal
 class MSEErrorFunction

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.evaluationmediators

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.evaluationmediators that implement Cloneable
 class FFNNEvaluationMediator
 class SAILAEvaluationMediator

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.neuron

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.neuron
 interface NeuronFunction
          This is the interface that a Neuron output function needs to conform to.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.generic.neuron that implement Cloneable
 class HyperbollicTangentOutputFunction
          Hyperbollic Tangent Function.
 class LinearOutputFunction
 class SigmoidOutputFunction
          Deprecated. This class should be replaced by Sigmoid
 class TanHOutputFunction
          Hyperbollic Tangent Function.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.testarea

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.neuralnetwork.testarea that implement Cloneable
 class NNFunctionAdapter
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem
 interface Fitness
          This interface is an abstraction for the fitness of a solution to an optimisation problem.
 interface OptimisationProblem
           Optimisation problems are characterized by a domain that specifies the search space and a fitness given a potential solution.
 interface Problem
          This is a common abstraction for all problem classes.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem that implement Cloneable
 class ClusteringProblem
           This class is used to setup/configure a problem that is capable of clustering the data in a dataset, more specifically the data contained in an AssociatedPairDataSetBuilder.
 class CooperativeOptimisationProblemAdapter
          TODO test this class.
 class DeratingFunctionMaximisationProblem
          Title: DeratingFunctionMaximisationProblem
 class DiscreteOptimisationProblem
          This class further extends the logical separation between a standard type of problem, usually placed in the real valued space, to enable Discrete problems.
 class FunctionLearningProblem
 class FunctionMaximisationProblem
 class FunctionMinimisationProblem
          An implementation of OptimisationProblemAdapter that can be used to find the minimum of any Function.
 class FunctionOptimisationProblem
          This class serves as a base class for function optimisation problems using a Function.
 class GradientFunctionMinimisationProblem
 class InferiorFitness
          This class is used to represent a fitness value that is always inferior.
 class MaximisationFitness
 class MinimisationFitness
          This class implements the Comparable interface for a minimisation problem.
 class MOFitness
 class MOOptimisationProblem
 class OptimisationProblemAdapter
           This is a convenience class that keeps track of the number of fitness evaluations.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.boundaryconstraint

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.boundaryconstraint
 interface BoundaryConstraint
          Enforce predefined boundary constraints on Entity instances that are operating in the current search space.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.boundaryconstraint that implement Cloneable
 class BouncingBoundaryConstraint
          Instead of making use of reactive boundary constraints that reinitialise an entire Particle (or components thereof), this class is a proactive approach to prevent the Particle from moving outside of the domain.
 class ClampingBoundaryConstraint
          Prevent any Entity from over-shooting the problem search space.
 class DeflectionBoundaryConstraint
          Particles that overstep the boundary get re-initialised to simulate a bouncing effect by flipping the velocity (multiplying it with -1.0).
 class NearestBoundaryConstraint
           If a particle oversteps the boundary it gets re-initialised and placed on the overstepped boundary.
 class PerElementReinitialisation
          Reinitialise each element within the provided Type element if it is no longer within the valid search space.
 class PeriodicBoundaryConstraint
           If a particle oversteps the upper boundary it gets re-initialised and placed near the lower boundary and vice versa.
 class RandomBoundaryConstraint
           If a particle oversteps the boundary it gets randomly re-initialised within the boundary and its velocity gets updated.
 class ReinitialisationBoundary
          Once the entity has over shot the search space boundaries, re-initialise the Entity once again to be witihin the search space of the problem at a random position.
 class UnconstrainedBoundary
          This is the default boundary constraint, whereby no boundary checking is performed.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.coevolution

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.coevolution that implement Cloneable
 class CompetitiveCoevolutionGameLearningOptimizationProblem
          This class is used by CoevolutionAlgorithm to optimize a Game.
 class CompetitiveCoevolutionProblemAdapter
          This class is used by the sub populations of a competitive coevolution algorithm.
 class GameLearningOptimizationProblem
          Optimize either a single player game or a game against hand coded opponents
 class PerformanceEvaluationOptimizationProblem

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.dataset

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.dataset that implement Cloneable
 class AssociatedPairDataSetBuilder
          This class "collects" and holds all the patterns of the DataSets specified through the AssociatedPairDataSetBuilder.addDataSet(DataSet) method.
 class BinaryDataSetBuilder
          TODO: COmplete this javadoc.
static class ClusterableDataSet.Pattern
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class DataSet
          This interface provides an abstraction for accessing data sets.
 class DataSetBuilder
 class LocalDataSet
          This class represents a local dataset, i.e.
 class MatrixDataSetBuilder
          TODO: This needs to implement the reading of a matrix as needed by MappingProblem.
 class StringDataSetBuilder
 class TextDataSetBuilder
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.mappingproblem

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.problem.mappingproblem that implement Cloneable
 class FunctionDimensionMappingProblem
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class LinearMappingProblem
          This class provides an adapter for implementation of NonlinearMapping evaluation functions.
 class MappingProblem
          Abstract MappingProblem class that allows for implementing methods of mapping high-dimensional data onto lower dimensions.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso that implement Cloneable
 class LFPSO
           An implementation of the LeapFrog PSO algorithm, a modified Particle Swarm Optimiser based upon the improved leapfrog dynamic method for unconstrained minimization.
 class PSO
           An implementation of the standard PSO algorithm.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic
 interface ChargedParticleInitialisationStrategy
          Interface for ChargedParticle intialisation.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic that implement Cloneable
 class ChargedParticle
          Charged Particle used by charged PSO (ChargedVelocityUpdate).
 class ChargedVelocityUpdateStrategy
          Velocity update strategy that the so called Charged PSO makes use of.
 class DynamicIterationStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          Dynamic iteration strategy for PSO in dynamic environments.
 class DynamicParticle
          Special particle type to use with dynamic algorithms.
 class MovingPeaksOfflineErrorMeasurement
 class MovingPeaksOfflinePerformanceMeasurement
 class QuantumPositionUpdateStrategy
          Position update strategy for QSO (Quantum PSO).
 class QuantumVelocityUpdateStrategy
          Velocity update strategy for QSO (Quantum PSO).
 class StandardChargedParticleInitialisationStrategy

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.detectionstrategies

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.detectionstrategies that implement Cloneable
 class EnvironmentChangeDetectionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          This abstract class defines the interface that detection strategies have to adhere to.
 class NeighbourhoodBestSentriesDetectionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
 class PeriodicDetectionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
 class RandomSentriesDetectionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          This class defines a detection strategy that uses a user-specified number of sentry entities and an value to detect whether a change has occured in the environment.
 class RandomSentryDetectionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          Deprecated. rather use RandomSentriesDetectionStrategy
 class RandomSentryPointsDetectionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          This class defines a detection strategy that uses a user-specified number of sentry points and an value to detect whether a change has occured in the environment within a number of consecutive iterations.
 class TopologyBestSentryDetectionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.responsestrategies

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.dynamic.responsestrategies that implement Cloneable
 class ArchiveReevaluationResponseStrategy
 class CompetitiveCoevolutionParticleReevaluationResponseStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          This class re-calculates all the personal best positions in the population.
 class DualReactionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          This reaction strategy wraps both a ReinitializationReactionStrategy and a ReevaluationReactionStrategy.
 class EnvironmentChangeResponseStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          TODO: Complete this Javadoc.
 class NeighbourhoodBestSentriesReactionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
 class PartialReinitialisationResponseStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
 class ParticleReevaluationResponseStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          Deprecated. Rather use ReevaluationReactionStrategy
 class ReevaluationReactionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          This reaction strategy reevaluates the specified ratio of randomly chosen entities in the given Topology.
 class ReinitializationReactionStrategy<E extends PopulationBasedAlgorithm>
          This reaction strategy reinitializes the specified ratio of randomly chosen entities in the given Topology.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.iterationstrategies

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.iterationstrategies that implement Cloneable
 class ASynchronousIterationStrategy
          Implementation of the asynchrounous iteration strategy for PSO.
 class SynchronousIterationStrategy
          Implementation of the synchronous iteration strategy for PSO.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.moo.guideselectionstrategies

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.moo.guideselectionstrategies
 interface GuideSelectionStrategy
           With Multi-objective PSOs the pBest and lBest (or gBest) particles are replaced with the concept of local and global guides respectively.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.moo.guideselectionstrategies that implement Cloneable
 class DNGuideSelectionStrategy
          Dynamic Neighbourhood Guide Selection Strategy Placeholder class for anybody interested in implementing this Multi-objective PSO.
 class NBestGuideSelectionStrategy
           A concrete implementation of GuideSelectionStrategy where the neighbourhood best position of a particle gets selected as a guide (usually global guide).
 class PBestGuideSelectionStrategy
           A concrete implementation of GuideSelectionStrategy where the personal best position of a particle gets selected as a guide (usually local guide).
 class VEPSOGuideSelectionStrategy
          Vector-Evaluated Particle Swarm Optimisation Guide Selection Strategy

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.moo.guideupdatestrategies

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.moo.guideupdatestrategies
 interface GuideUpdateStrategy
           This class is used in combination with GuideSelectionStrategy to determine when and if a particle's guides get updated.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.moo.guideupdatestrategies that implement Cloneable
 class DominantGuideUpdateStrategy
           Implementation of GuideUpdateStrategy where a particle's guide gets updated if and only if the new guide dominates the previous guide.
 class StandardGuideUpdateStrategy
           This the standard GuideUpdateStrategy in that it always updates the given particle's guide.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.niching

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.niching that implement Cloneable
 class Niche

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractParticle
          This class defines the common behaviour available for all Particle instances.
 class CoherenceParticle
 class DeviationDecorator
 class LFDecorator
 class MultiObjectiveParticle
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class ParticleDecorator
 class StandardParticle

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle.initialisation

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle.initialisation
 interface PositionInitialisationStrategy
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 interface VelocityInitialisationStrategy
          Interface defining the valid tasks available for velocity intialisation.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.particle.initialisation that implement Cloneable
 class DataSetBasedPositionInitialisationStrategy
          This strategy initializes the position as well as the best position of a Particle using the DataSetBasedCentroidsInitialisationStrategy.
 class DomainPercentageVelocityInitialisationStrategy
          TODO: this class should be refactored to use the RandomInitialVelocityStrategy or to be a compound operation where the velocity is first randomised and then scaled by a percentage.
 class RandomBoundedInitialVelocityStrategy
 class RandomInitialVelocityStrategy
 class RandomizedPositionInitialisationStrategy
          Deprecated. This class is a temporary measure until we can get the DomainParser working as intended. the idea is to be able to specify particle contents via the string and have the randomness applied on initialisation. A specific example is to use this new string when initialising positions with Polar coordinates for example
 class ZeroInitialVelocityStrategy

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies
 interface NeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy
          Interface specifying the manner in which the neighbourhood best of the Entity is obtained.
 interface PersonalBestUpdateStrategy
          Update the personal best of the particle.
 interface PositionUpdateStrategy
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.positionupdatestrategies that implement Cloneable
 class BareBonesPositionUpdateStrategy
          Deprecated. Refer to the replacing class.
 class BinaryPositionUpdateStrategy
          Binary position update strategy to enable the BinaryPSO.
 class BoundedPersonalBestUpdateStrategy
          Update the personal best of the particle, if it is a valid update.
 class DEPositionUpdateStrategy
          Implementation of the DE PSO of Hendtlass.
 class GaussianPositionUpdateStrategy
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class IterationNeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy
 class LinearPositionUpdateStrategy
          This sets the position to the velocity.
 class MemoryNeighbourhoodBestUpdateStrategy
          This class.....
 class StandardPersonalBestUpdateStrategy
          Update the personal best of the particle, based on the standard PSO definition of the process.
 class StandardPositionUpdateStrategy
          This is the normal position update as described by Kennedy and Eberhart.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies
 interface VelocityUpdateStrategy

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.velocityupdatestrategies that implement Cloneable
 class BareBonesDEVelocityUpdate
          The VelocityUpdateStrategy strategy which uses a DE strategy where the trial vector is the bare bones attractor point.
 class BareBonesExploitVelocityUpdateStrategy
          The VelocityUpdateStrategy strategy for the Bare Bones PSO as adapted by Kennedy.
 class BareBonesVelocityUpdateStrategy
          The VelocityUpdateStrategy strategy for the Bare Bones PSO as defined by Kennedy.
 class CoherenceVelocityUpdate
          Velocity update for the Coherence PSO.
 class ConstrictionVelocityUpdate
          A velocity update strategy that utilizes the constriction coefficient as developed by Clerc.
 class FDRVelocityUpdateStrategy
          Implementation of the FDR-PSO velocity update equation.
 class FIPSVelocityUpdate
 class GCVelocityUpdateStrategy
           An implementation of the Guaranteed Convergence PSO algorithm.
 class LFVelocityUpdate
 class LinearVelocityUpdate
          TODO: test this.
 class MOVelocityUpdateStrategy
           With Multi-objective PSOs the pBest and lBest (or gBest) particles are replaced with the concept of local and global guides respectively.
 class StandardVelocityUpdate
          Implementation of the standard / default velocity update equation.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.simulator

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.simulator that implement Cloneable
 class Simulation
           This class represents a single simulation experiment.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.stoppingcondition

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.stoppingcondition
 interface StoppingCondition
           A class that implements this interface can be used to measure the progress of an algorithm.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.stoppingcondition that implement Cloneable
 class MaximumFitnessEvaluations
 class MaximumIterations
 class MaximumRestarts
          The maximum number of allowed restarts.
 class MinimumDiversity
          A stopping condition that is based on the Diversity of the population.
 class MinimumFunctionMinimisationError
 class MinimumSwarmDiameter
 class OptimiserStalled
          used to check if optimisation algorithm has stalled.
 class SingleIteration

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.type

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.type
 interface DomainRegistry

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.type that implement Cloneable
 class StringBasedDomainRegistry
          Class to perform the needed mappings between a top level domain string and the built representation.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.type.types

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.type.types
 interface Type
          Type interface for all type-objects that are used within CIlib.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.type.types that implement Cloneable
 class Bit
          Implemetantation of the Bit object.
 class Blackboard<K,V extends Type>
          Simple Blackboard implementation.
 class Int
 class Long
 class Numeric
          Definition of the Numeric type.
 class Real
 class StringType

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.type.types.container

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.type.types.container with type parameters of type Cloneable
 class AbstractTree<E extends Cloneable & Comparable<? super E>>
          Base class for all Tree objects.
 class BinaryTree<E extends Comparable<? super E> & Cloneable>
          Implementation of a BinaryTree.
 class GeneralTree<E extends Comparable<? super E> & Cloneable>
          Implementation of the General Tree data structure.
 class NaryTree<E extends Comparable<? super E> & Cloneable>
          Implementation of a Nary Tree data structure.
 interface Tree<E extends Cloneable>
          Definition of the Tree type.

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.type.types.container
 interface Graph<E>
          Definition of Graph operations.
 interface StructuredType<E>
          Description for all objects that maintain a structure or collection of objects.
 interface Tree<E extends Cloneable>
          Definition of the Tree type.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.type.types.container that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractList<E extends Type>
          The basic definition for all Type objects that are based on a list.
 class AbstractTree<E extends Cloneable & Comparable<? super E>>
          Base class for all Tree objects.
 class BinaryTree<E extends Comparable<? super E> & Cloneable>
          Implementation of a BinaryTree.
 class GeneralTree<E extends Comparable<? super E> & Cloneable>
          Implementation of the General Tree data structure.
 class NaryTree<E extends Comparable<? super E> & Cloneable>
          Implementation of a Nary Tree data structure.
 class Set<E>
          TODO: Fix the copy constructor.
 class StandardGraph<E extends Comparable<E>>
          TODO: Complete this javadoc.
 class TypeList
          General list container for all Type instances.
 class Vector

Fields in net.sourceforge.cilib.type.types.container declared as Cloneable
protected  E AbstractTree.key

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator
 interface FitnessCalculator<T>
          Perform the calculation of the fitness for the given Entity, decoupling the Entity from the Problem.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.calculator that implement Cloneable
 class EntityBasedFitnessCalculator
          A fitness calculator tht is specialised to determine the fitness of an Entity instance.
 class PropertyBasedFitnessCalculator
 class StructuredTypeFitnessCalculator<T extends StructuredType<?>>
          A fitness calculator that determines the fitness value of a StructuredType.

Uses of Cloneable in

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in
 interface SelectionRecipe<E>
          A recipe is a series of steps that need to be followed to achieve a selection.

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class ElitistSelection<E extends Comparable>
          A recipe for Elitist selection.
 class RandomSelection<E>
          Perform a random selection from the provided list of elements.
 class RankBasedSelection<E extends Comparable>
          A recipe for Rank based selection.
 class RingBasedPopulationSelection
 class RouletteWheelSelection<E extends Comparable>
          A recipe for Roulette wheel selection.
 class TournamentSelection<E extends Comparable>
          A recipe for Tournament selection.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing
 interface Weighing<E>
          Interface defining how weighing for selections are to operate.

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing that implement Cloneable
 class FixedWeighing<E>
          Apply a fixed weighing to a list of elements.
 class LinearWeighing<E>
          Apply a weighting to the provided list of elements.

Uses of Cloneable in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing.entity

Classes in net.sourceforge.cilib.util.selection.weighing.entity that implement Cloneable
 class EntityWeighing<E extends Entity>
          Apply a weighing based on the Fitness of Entity instances.

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